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Name: Merkle

Gender: Female

Species: Dog

Breed: Unknown??? Mutt???


Size: She's about the same size of a German shepherd

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Size: She's about the same size of a German shepherd

Backstory: She was born in a laboratory, and was experimented on as a puppy, giving her super powers. She managed to escape and wandered into the streets for a few days, until she was found by the Parr Family and was taken in as their family pet, they never saw her powers or knew where she came from.

Super powers: She can see invisible objects and she can teleport. She also has super strength and super speed.

Super name: Incredible Canine

Personality: She's a sweet and loving canine, that would do anything to protect her family. She is very friendly towards people, unless they act like a threat to her family, that's when she becomes extremely aggressive.


That's it for the bio, I hope you like it

What do you think about the Incredible Canine, Merkle?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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