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Alexander's POV

The rain pelts down against that car, sounding like rocks. I clutch my seat, hoping to find some comfort. My brothers and I are driving back home after a long day at work, one filled with unimaginable things. For some reason I can't ease the feeling in my stomach that something is wrong, very wrong. I keep my green eyes glued on the side of the road as we get closer to home. I watch the trees fly by in a blur of green. It contrasts so well with the midnight glow of the moon, giving the night sky a dark vibe to it. Just like out of a horror movie.

I can feel my eyes growing heavy, as I'm about to doze off. That's when my eyes catch a white piece of fabric on the side of the road. I roll down the window to see what looks like a curled-up figure. Rain drenches my hair.

"Pull over!!", I demand to my brother, Xander, who is driving the car. He looks over at me with shock at my sudden outburst, which is unusual for me. I try to be a calm person.

"What?" He asks. God, I hate when he questions me.

"Pull over, now!".

He screeches the car to a halt, without even thinking I jump out of the car into the pouring rain and run up the road to where I say the figure.
As I get close, my heart starts pounding. That's when I see it, her. A young girl curled up in an off white dress that flows over her whole body, with her brown wavy across her face, soaked with rain gluing to her skin. Her skin is turning a blue colour so I can tell she has been out here for a while.
I hear footsteps behind me, I turn to see my brothers coming towards me.

"What's wrong man?", Axel, my youngest brother asks. When he arrives next to me his face shifts from annoyed to calm, in an instant.

"Is that a girl?", Elijah questions. He looks down at her and runs his hand through his dark brown hair. He does that when he's nervous.

"Yeah, she was just lying here", I explain, keeping my eyes on the girl. I am scared she will disappear if I look away.

"What do we do?" Axel asks, more directed at Xander, he is standing behind everyone with a blank look on his face, but I can tell he's deep in thought.

"Xander, we can't leave her out here. She'll die", I inform him, but I know he knows the risks.
He may be the most dangerous person I know but he won't leave this girl here, he's not like that.

"Get her in the car, we'll take her home with us".

Without a second thought I scoop her up into my arms, putting my arm under her knees and one supporting her back. I walk us back to the car and get into the back with Axel. I lay her head in my lap and this is when I get a better look at her.

Her face is beautiful, her eyes may be closed but I can tell that they are stunning. She has plum lips that are a blue colour, just like her skin. They also have light bits of purple on them. This is where I notice some bruises, across her left eye and cheek. She also has a cut just below her hairline.

"What happened to you?", I think to myself, as the car begins to go again. 


587 Words 

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