Behind the Curtains

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First one-shot:

Behind The Curtains

Synopsis: Criminals AU

The Whitebeards are a wide known business family, good at hiding their true work as an underground gang. Ace is a kid who started at a young age, very skilled.. and very cute to a certain blond.

Word count: 11060

Enjoy reading! ^^

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I didn't really re-check after I finished this 😭


On the busy days of October, in an empty street a group of police officers were running after someone in a black hood. Accompanied with a lot of gun shots, the rain is falling heavily from the sky, making this day colder than it already is.

"Catch me if you can!" The person in black hood yelled, and just in a blink, he was gone. The police officers looked around themselves confusedly.

"Shit. He ran away! Sir Smoker!" The officers then left the alleyway and met up with the other group. While the police were continuing to look out, the culprit that they were searching for was actually right next to them. He was inside the buildings, but the police were searching for him outside the buildings..

"You are so late, idiot! They were so close to catching me this time!" The black hooded guy whisper shouted at his savior, who is also his friend. The savior rolled his eyes and threw him clothes.

"Oh, don't you whine that you're getting slow, Firefist. Change. We have a meeting with sir Whitebeard." Firefist sighed and changed into the clothes his friend gave him, and looked at himself in the mirror. Smiling, he turned to his friend and gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm happy you know my fashion taste, Mask." Mask chuckled and shook his head before leaving the room with Firefist following behind.

"So, where we going?" Firefist asked as he went inside the kitchen to grab something to eat. Mask sat down on the couch in the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink.

"The meeting will be held out of the city. We will travel for probably 6 hours or more." He opened his drink and drunk while Firefist ate some leftovers, humming.

"So.. this Whitebeard guy. What does he want." He asked as he ate.

"Hmm.. he wants to work with us. I don't think we will have any problems with the Whitebeards." Firefist raised his eyebrow to Mask's response, and asked,

"What makes you think that?" Mask smiled and put away his empty can of drink.

"Sir Whitebeard and his gang are quite respected around the world. You might not know because you are dumb and careless, but their way of doing things are very different from the others. They do their work with respect and kindness." Firefist hummed and finished his food. He then looked at Mask nonchalantly and smiled, though his eyes were dark and empty.

"I will believe once I see it. And I'm only accepting to go because they saved Skull, Mihar and Saber on their last mission!" Mask shrugged and they got up to leave the house. They both weren't worried about the police officers because none of them knew how Firefist looked without his hood. So that was a plus for him. And Mask did his work underground, meaning, he was never seen by the police. Firefist was more of a guy to work at night times and be seen without revealing his identity, because, in his words, 'he likes the adventure'.

The two left together and went to Mask's car and sat inside. Mask sat in the driver's seat and Firefist sat besides him. Mask drove and while he does that, Firefist prepared their fake identity cards for when police checks their car. And soon enough, they encountered a few police groups that were looking inside cars.

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