"Yeah," Keith replied, sounding a little hoarse, because last night he used his voice to moan too much.

"I have a meeting with the scientists. If you wake up, call Astro to take care of you," Roman said.

"Yeah," Keith replied briefly because he's still sleepy Roman smiled slightly, before leaning down and kissing Keith's temples, then he pulled away and let Keith lie down to rest some more, as for him, he immediately went to a meeting. Keith went back to sleep again, woke up to see that it was almost noon. So he got up to take a shower and change clothes even though the weather is cold. Keith was always addicted to showering twice a day. After showering and dressing, Keith stopped in front of the glass window. Look at the white ice sheet below his face got hot because he thought about last night Roman put him against the glass window, to look at the northern lights too, but to be honest at that moment he was hardly interested in the northern lights at all. Because he had his focus on Roman's impact getting stronger and stronger.

"Wow, I thought it was dirty this morning, no it's not this morning," Keith muttered to himself, before leaving the bedroom. Keith calls out to Astro not long after, the other party came to meet him in the room.

"Did you get any food?" Astro asked, Keith thought for a moment.

"Is there a cafeteria here for everyone?" Keith asked as he remembered.

"Yeah," Astro replied, immediately making Keith smile.

"Okay, I want to go try some food in the cafeteria. Can you take over?" Keith said.

"Are you going to sit down and eat with the others?" Astro asked, just to make sure.

"Yeah, what's weird?" Keith asked. He forgot that Keith was an ordinary person, he is not a person who has a high rank so as not to sit down to eat with the rest.

"Okay, I'll take you there," Astro said, before texting Noris telling Roman that he'll take Keith to the cafeteria when he's ready. Keith left the room and walked down the hallway followed by 3 of Roman's bodyguards. Keith thought he would talk to Roman, let only Astro follow him, because he's still in the bullet turret no one could do anything to him.

On the way walking up the stairs, many People looked at Keith with interest. Now a lot of people know that Román brought his lover with him, they all wanted to see who was Román's lover and what he looked like. Some people saw Keith secretly wondering if he is Roman's lover or not because some people imagine that he must be cute. As dear as Dr. Mason who thought that Roman was special, many people believe that because he often called Mason who always sleeps with him. And he only called him this story was told by Mason himself

But when they found out that Roman had brought her real boyfriend, some people turned to Manson, others are satisfied, there is some annoyance.

"Oh, it's clean," Keith said, reaching for the ammunition canteen. That on the 1st floor above Keith's room, there is a table to sit and eat food scattered around the room, the table attached to the glass door will also see the white view outside.

"The food here is buffet style from various nations. Because our people are of many nationalities who work in this. It's all free," explains Astro.

"Hmm, it's good to buy people's hearts. If we take good care of it, they'll do their best for us, right?" Keith said as he thought.

"Yes," Astro replied.

"I'm hungry. Let's go find something to eat, all 3 of you can eat with me, don't be afraid your boss will punish you. I'll take it for you," Keith said with a slight smile. Roman's subordinates also nodded in agreement before the 4 of them walked towards the food display area now there are employees who slowly come to eat together, but they will alternate from time to time. They all looked at Keith with curiosity and interest.

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