"Well they're close," Keith replied, causing the two to move towards Keith again.

"How did you get close to him? Don't tell me when you found out about the ship?" Rogen asked.

"Something like that," Keith replied briefly.

"Keith, do you know how dangerous Mr. Roman is?" Billy asked seriously. Although confident that Roman didn't hurt Keith, but what about Roman's enemies?

"I know," Keith replied, leaning back on the sofa. Rogen then saw the red markings on Keith's chest.

"Wait, Keith, you're…don't tell me that…" Rogen was speechless before putting his finger on the red mark so it makes Billy see the other person. Keith still had a calm expression on his face. He was not surprised that friends saw red marks. Because Abe who probably won't be able to hide from his friends. On his body were many bite marks and bite marks.

"There's nothing to worry about. He and I are just getting to know each other." Keith told the two friends right away. which now opens although it is possible to guess but when he heard it from Keith's mouth, he couldn't help but be surprised. Before many questions came out of their mouths in a series. Keith had to raise his hand to stop them.

"I'm telling you right here. That I had made a good decision, I don't know when I would take it seriously, that I don't want to think too much, let's just leave it at the moment," Keith said nonchalantly. Because if he cares too much it will also make him stay with Román. Keith needs more confidence first.

"But as far as I know, isn't Mr. Roman the guy you like?" Rogen asked quietly.

"I'd like to try a different flavor," Keith replied with a smile. Billy and Rogen could only breathe slightly.

"Well, it's your personal matter, I'm just worried because Mr. Roman is not normal. But if you have a problem with him, you can come and tell me whenever you want. Although I don't have as much influence as him. But it's enough to help you," he replied. billy.

"Thank you," Keith replied with a smile, before letting Keith rest for a bit, then heading to the airport.

"Has Keith returned to Geneva?" Roman asked Noris. while sitting in their own private plane

"Yes, he has entered his apartment now," Noris replied as Obi had told her.

"Do you think Keith will call me?" Roman asked, looking out the plane window. Noris moved a bit, because she's looking for answers that won't cause her problems.

"I think he'll call. But he must be tired right now. Give him some time to rest. Plus we're on a plane. It's probably inconvenient to call him," Noris replied, because it could at least stretch out for a while. What if Keith doesn't really call? to Roman? Maybe he had to call Keith first, and tell Keith to call his boss sometime.

"Um," Roman replied.

"Boss, can I ask you a question?" Noris said. Román looked at Noris for a moment with surprised eyes. Because normally Noris is a man of few words. But lately, Roman has felt that Noris has spoken more than before.

"Ask me," Roman replied.

"Why did the boss dare to invite Mr. Keith to go to the bullet bastion?" Noris asked curiously.

"I just want to take you on a tour of my business," Roman replied in a normal tone.

"The boss isn't afraid of that," said Noris.

"Since I inherited the entire Vasillo family. Have you ever seen me look at the wrong person?" Roman asked, as Noris is considered a bodyguard who had been close to him since he was a teenager.

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