Comfort (S1)

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S1 empires :)
Part 3 of the other story will be out once I figure out how to continue that story 😑
Scott's POV is normal, and this story is in another AU, so if you're confused, read this quickly:
This is after the season Rapture, but before Jimmy runs away. And in this Scott doesn't die, because in this AU Xornoth runs away with Joey. But it's just before Jimmy runs away.


Rivendel is cold and empty. Xornoth is gone, but he left a mess of corruption and death everywhere. I think I should leave. It's depressing being here, I think I'm going to find somewhere else. I grabbed my bag and flew over to the Cod Empire.

I knocked on the door off Jimmy's house, and there was no answer. The door was open a crack, so I walked in. I walked to his storage room and opened the door before immediately dropping my bag and running over to him.
'Fuck Jimmy are you ok?!' I asked.
Jimmy sat on the floor, leaning against the chests with his head in his arms, crying and it broke my heart to see him this upset. I sat down on the floor next to him.
He was sobbing quietly.
'Jimmy, are you ok? What's wrong?' I asked, speaking softly.
He wiped his tears with his sleeve.
'Everything is ruined. The Cod are all gone, and my empire is destroyed,' He muttered.
I put my hand gently in his.
'Rivendel is like that too. Xornoth ran away with his boyfriend.' I said, and Jimmy laughed a bit at that.

He looked up at me, and I could see his eyes were red. He must've been here for a while.
He smiled at me weakly.
'Lizzie is gone.' He whispered sadly, making me gasp.
'What happened to her?!' I asked, Lizzie and I were close friends.
'I don't know. When I got there, she was gone. All that remained was a book.'
'I was planning on running away. And escaping all of this. I know some of the others have already. Pix, Katherine, Gem, and Fwhip left.' I said.
He sniffed.
'I was planning on doing that too. Do you maybe want to come with me?' He asked, and I nodded.
I stood up and helped him up. He put on his bag, and I did the same. Just as we stood in the doorway, he took the Codfather hat of his head and threw it to the floor.
'I don't need this anymore.' He said, angry tears filling his eyes, and I held his hand tighter.
We walked outside and then started walking.
'Where too?' He asked.
I smiled.
'We'll see.'

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