Hamburger Dinner Theater

Start from the beginning

(At the Off-Ramp Broadway Theater)

Man: ♪We drink, we loot, we r*pe, we shoot ♪

Different man: ♪We sing, we dance, we twirl, we prance ♪

Performers/audience: ♪ we're the pirates of panache ♪
♪ panache ♪


Mort came in as everyone was doing there own thing.

Mort: Linda, tell me everything.

Linda: Oh, Mort, I'm telling you, to be in dinner theater... if I could do my life over again, oh, if I could just have one chance... 

Bob: You'd do that?

Linda: Yeah.

Bob: Linda, what are you talking about? You've got a great life.

You work in a restaurant. You get to feed the world, right?

Linda: (mumbles) Right. 

Bob: There was someone in here from Canada last week, remember, and we learned all about that country.

Linda: (mumbles) It's great.

Louise: (Deep voice) I hate that country.

Mort: You know, Linda, you've got the dinner part already. You know what that means.

You're halfway to doing...

Linda: Yeah?

Mort: Your own... 

Linda: Say it. Yeah.

Linda: Say it. What?! What?!!

Mort: Dinner theater! Your very own dinner theater!!

Linda: Dinner theater. Yes! Yeah!

Gene: Yay! Why are we excited?

Bob: Hamburger dinner theater?

Linda: Oh, come on, Bobby?

We work hard every day to make your dream come true. Why can't we do my dream, too?

Bob: About how long do you think your dream will take, like an hour, hour and a half?

Linda: You crazy? It's got to be at least a 3-week engagement.

Bob: 3 weeks? How about 3 days?

Linda: All right. 🙂 We'll take it. Ha ha!

This is gonna be wonderful!

Gene: What's the show gonna be?

Linda: Ah, murder. Murder-Mystery. 

Bob: Ach.

Louise: How about mass murder mystery?

Linda: Ok. Sure.

Mort: And a musical?

Linda: Of course.

Tina: Can it also be a love story?

Linda: Aw, a mass murder mystery musical love story set in...

Louise: nazi Germany.

Gene: Oh, in Montreal.

Louise: Enough with Canada!

Tina: In a ketchup factory, a sexy ketchup factory?

Bob: 🤨

Linda: 🙂

Tanner: 🤨

Louise: 🙂

Gene: 🙂

Tina: (squeezes empty ketchup bottle slowly)

Tanner: How about some place death related?

Mort: I got it! In a morgue!

I have props.

Bob: Oh, come on. 

Linda: Yes. Yes! Mort, that's it!

We'll call it "Dreamatorium".

Bob: Really?

Linda: ♪ Dreamatorium! It's a Dreamatorium ♪

Bob: Ugh.

Linda: ♪ Bom bomp ♪


Linda: Look at this set. Am I in a morgue? Oh, it feels like I am.

I am just so happy we've all been bitten by the dinner theater bug.

Now, Gene, you're on sound effects, naturally.

Gene presses a button on his keyboard.

Gene's voice: Aah!

Gene: Ominous.

Linda: Chills. Oh.

Remember, every character gets some intro and outro music.

Gene: You got it. (plays "Mysterioso pizzicato")

Bob: Don't.

Don't score me.

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