warm welcome

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Eden POV

I wait outside of what looked like an office. I could hear hundreds of voices from inside. I tried to focus on my breathing to ease my anxiety. In the next minute, a whole group of people started to exit from the doors, still talking to each other. 

"Come in, she will see you now." A  tall man ushers me to the door and opens it as I step inside. He closes the door behind me and leaves. The lights in the room are dimmed but are a little brighter around the desk area. A figure stands by the chair with their back turned to me. They peer our of the window. I walk towards the big desk.

"So he sent you?" The voice asks abruptly. As I get closer I see smoke, so she was probably smoking. 

"Yes, it's an honor to-" Before I can finish she cuts me off.

"Don't need that. All I need to know is if you are up to the task? Has Yaseer told you what being an advisor is about?"

"Yes, he has. I'm ready." I manage to say. Her back is still turned as she takes another swig of her cigarette. 

"Good. There is no room for error, do you understand? " She says sternly.


"You will do as you are asked, nothing more, nothing less. You will follow the schedule given to you, you will remain professional, on time, and speak only when spoken to, understand?"

"Yes, I do. You won't have any issues from me. My name is-"

"Good, then you may leave." 

I open my mouth to say something but I stop myself. Turning around, I exit from the same door I entered from. When I'm back out in the hall, I take a long breath in. Devyn Ackerman in worse than I imagined. Who doesn't even turn around to greet someone? I'm not even any random person. I'm Yaseer's daughter, and this is the respect she shows me? 

"Ma'am, your room is ready and we have put all your luggage in there. You are going to be on the second floor on the right wing. I will escort you there." 

I nod as I follow him.

A Touch Like Fire - Sequel to Tears of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now