Chapter Forty-Seven

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He started stacking pieces of toast on his plate, ignoring the blueberries that were placed in the large bowl on the counter, "You excited for school?" he asked.

She nodded her head excitedly at the ash blond teen, "I've been ready for a week." she replied.

He laughed, "We've missed you there princess, we need you to bring the peace back please." he announced, he turned to look at her, "School's been so boring with without you; I've missed waiting for you outside for you and at Peter's locker."

She grinned at him.

He flashed her a large, toothy smile, "Now that you're back, life will return to the school."

The fourteen year old giggled at the older teen and took another bite of her breakfast, falling back into her old pace.

The two boys both got another helping as Kate came downstairs, her wavy brown locks pulled up in a large messy bun on the top of her head with a few strands falling out that framed her face. Yelena held out a cup of coffee to the girl as well as a plate of French toast and powdered sugar. The sleepy blue-eyed girl thanked her and kissed her cheek sweetly before taking the two things from her. She sat down in front of the blonde teenager, letting the girl play with the decals on the neckline of her shirt while she ate. The four girls finished eating before the two boys did and went into the living room. Wanda sat next to Penny and placed her arm over the younger girl's shoulders, the telltale red glow of her powers twisting around her fingertips. Penny looked down at her fingers, considering showing her own powers to the redhead, she could feel them trying to push their way out of her body. She quickly pushed that thought away when her anxieties started pushing their way forward. Kate was sitting in Yelena's lap in their usual spot on the couch, absent-mindedly playing with her fingers that were settling in her lap. Yelena had her chin resting on her girlfriend's shoulder while the four girls waited for Peter and Pietro to finish their breakfast. A few moments later, Morgan came running in the room, she was ready to finish her last week of school. She jumped onto Penny's lap, causing the fourteen year old, who let out a squeak of surprise, mixed with slight pain. Penny grinned at her little sister after the eight year old apologized and hugged her tightly, ignoring how her pigtails tickled her nose; she was happy.

An hour later, they were standing outside the school once again. Penny was squished in between Pietro and her brother, who were both telling her to call them if she felt sick or anxious at any moment of the day. She saw Wanda sigh and Yelena and Kate shaking their heads at the two boys. She sighed at her brother and pseudo older brother and did her best to assure them that she'd be fine, while shooting the other three girls a pleading look to distract them. Robbie and Josh soon came over to the group, both grinning when they saw her and quickening their pace over to them.

"Hey kid!" the darker hair teen greeted.

"Hi Josh," she replied, giving him a slight wave.

Robbie reached over and gently ruffled her hair, "Hey squirt, it's good to have you back." he replied, he was the only one of Pietro's friends that knew where the younger girl really was.

She flashed them both a big grin, "I'm glad to be back." she replied.

"Glad you're feeling better, you were sick for a good while." Josh commented.

She nodded, "Oh yeah.....I um I got pneumonia....a-and my uh my spleen ruptured so I had to have it removed." she replied, flashing a slightly flustered smile.

The boy's eyes wided, "Jesus," he replied with a low whistle, "well I'm glad you're all better."

She nodded her head, she was glad she was better too.

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