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It was that Xie lian had got stuck in a tornado as he violently spun around in mid air with a wave of his hand he ordered "Rouye go! Grab onto something firm

Rouye flew down as Xie lian felt that it had grabbed onto something he looked at the ground and realized he was 10 feet away from the ground

He looked at what what Rouye had grabbed he saw a figure and made out red

And soon after his vision cleared up a bit he saw that Rouye had taken a hold of San lang's wrist

"Oh there you are gege"San lang said with a smile

"Don't panic!"Xie lain said

"Rouye again and don't bring people this time!"Xie lian ordered as Rouye flew down again

But unfourtunately it grabbed onto Fu yao and Nan feng

"Rouye I said no people heavenly officials are people too!"Soon two sillouets joined them up

"Fu yao nan feng how did you two get up here?"Xie lian asked enduring the sand that was going in his mouth

"Ask your stupid silk!"Fu yao shouted
Both Fu yao and Nan feng started to argue as they couldn't bear even being 10 metres near each other so being so close just made it worse.

Xie lian calmly explained to Rouye"My dear Rouye we all are counting on you please don't Grab the wrong thing.Go!"

"DON'T RELY ON THAT THING!"Nan feng roared

After a little bit Xie felt Rouye Grab onto something

"Wait! It grabbed onto something!"Xie lian said..

"IT BETTER NOT BE A PASSERBY!"fu yao shouted

Xie Lian also worried that it may be a passerby but when he tugged onto the silk it felt sturdy

"Rouye pull!"Xie lian ordered as all of them where pulled down as Xie lian made out a person as he went closer he saw Xin jie

"Are you alright?"Xin jie asked but before Xie lian's eyes a figure flashes

"Are you alright?"

The figure had the same silver hair yet the person was a young man who looked in his 20's wearing a white and gold robe

Xie Lian blinked a few times before he saw Xin jie again

Xin jie reached his hand out as he held Xie lian's hand and pulled him towards himself and he held him tightly with a hand around Xie lian's waist as he also pulled Rouye in order to get San lang Fu yao and Nan feng on the ground .

"Come on I found something"Xin jie guided the all to a hollow rock as they went in

Clothes boots and their mouths filled with sand it felt uncomfortable.San lang sat near Xin jie who started furiosly rubbing his scalp as to dust out the sand"god this feels annoying"

San lang removed Xin jie hands as he gently dusted the sand out "Be a bit gentler with your hair"

After most of the sand was out Xin jie sighed in relief as he thanked San lang who only smiled in return 

There Nan feng and Xie lian where talking about the Guoshi of Ban yue and the Evil master

Xie Lian raised the question that the woman they saw earlier was maybe the Guoshi but the womans height was taller than usual and started speaking about several different things

Tired from the conversation Xin jie sighed and rested his head against a support and closed his eyes but his support was actually san lang's shoulder

San lang was hesitant but then gently patted Xin jie's head

*Yawn~*Xin jie yawned as both Xie lian and san lang looked at him imaganing
Cat ears and tail on him Xin jie rubbed his eyes as he looked at Xie Lian

"Gege you're sitting on something that has writing"Xin jie pointed out to which Xie lian looked at it and got up

After dusting the dirt off there was writing ingraved on it and it seemed like Xie lian was sitting on a stone slate

Yet due to the darkness Xie lian couldn't read anything

"I don't have enough mana can give me a palm flame"Nan feng lights a small flame in his palm as he comes near Xie lian

Xie Lian carefully eyes the writing it was lightly writen as the carving was very scribled as if written by a toddler it was writen vertically as he read the first word

"General...the first word is General"

Xin jie was intrested at it and went near the stone slate he traced his fingers on the light carving as he looked at the words carefully before he saw the flicering flame reveal something before

"Ahhhhh!"A scream was heard it wasn't  Xin jie or Xie lian but a face in the darkness Xin jie stepped back as San lang got up and came near Xin jie The flame in Nan feng's hand becomes bigger as it lights the entire surrounding

The face was actually a man hiding in the shadows as he scurried in the wall side as Nan feng shouted


All of them where so distracted that they didn't notice that other people where also there at this shelter

All of the shivered but from behind them came ahead an elderly man who seemed to be in his 40's the man spokr

"We are simply mere merchants we took shelter here from the sand storm"

The elderly man spoke.he seemed the most calm and conposed in the group and was probably their leader

Nan feng spoke"i you are normal merchants than what where you doing speaking around like this?"

Before the man could awnser a young boy around seventeen spoke"we  werent sneaking around you Guys Suddenly rushed in and where doing magic we thought you where Ban yue soilders! Like hell we would make a sound!"

"Its all a misunderstanding we aren't Ban yue soilders these two are cultivators from my small shrine we are here for the same reason you are We are taking shelter from this sandstorm"Xie lian explained calmly

"But i don't understand one thing don't many travellers and merchants go missing when travelling near Ban yue territorry?"Xin jie questioned to which the elder awsered

"Not at all young man you can pass from here without harm if you have the right guide we asked one of the locals here to guided us if you pass around the Ban yue territorry you can safety cross this place"

"Oh?"San lang was now thinking curiously

"Yeah it all depends on the guide we owe one to A-Zhao-ge he knew exactly how to avoid all those quicksand and knew and where this shelter was so we wouldnt be buried alive " Xin jie and San lang looked at the A-Zhao man as Xin jie eyed him closely and was in deep thought

While San lang was looking at A-Zhao for a while before turning to Xin Jie

"What's wrong?"San lang asked to which Xin jie looked at him and gave a calm smile "Nothing he just looks fimiliar"

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