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Xie Lian went out to clean seeing only san lang

"San lang where is Xin jie?"Xie lian asked

"He went to the shop to buy something"San lang said as he continued sweeping

Xin jie was to the shrine when he saw a crowd of people

"Oh Great Immortal!"

"Great Immortal!"

'hm? Whats going on there is so much commotion'Xin jie thought

"great immortal! To have a living god in our village is truly a blessing!"A man cried out

"What?"Xie Lian questioned confused

The people corner Xie lain pushing San lang out of the way and San lang was standing smiling with a irk mark on his forehead

"Welcome to our puqi village Great immortal!"People where holding Xie Lian's hands and some where crying

"Could you bless me with a wife great immortal"

"Great immortal! Please bless me with fertility"

"Here are some offerings great immortal but please bless me with good harvest this year!"

Xin jie blinked a few times a bit confused while Ru just giggled

"It looks like the old man was big mouthed even after telling him to not say anything he still told so many people"Xin jie said while going near san lang.

Xie lian was mentally sobbing at the situation he gently pushed the people in order to escape

"Uh.. Fellow people i can't bless you with such things and please don't pray for wealth there may be consequences and nor children or... Marriage"

San lang stopped listening the people and sat near the donation box with one hand umder his chin and the other lazily tossing chestnuts in his mouth Xin jie came near him with his usual calm smile and sat down letting t
Ru on the ground

the girls there caught sight of the two young men and started blushing crazily

Suddenly a pebble was thrown at the girls

"Ow! Who did that?!"

They looked back at Ru to see him sticking his tongue at them and throws one more pebble at them with his claw

The girls ran behind the fox who just kept on digging them

Soon the girls where tired so they went to Xie lian and continued what they where going to say

"Ummm..Can you-"it was obvious what they where going to ask

"No!"Xie lian Southend which made the Girls disappointed
Xin jie chuckled emiting a bright flowery glow and the girls who looked at him squealed and some fainted

""Xin jie was staring in confusion and sweatdropped and san lang who had a frown on his face and glared at the girls who walked back in fright Xin was confused at their fright and
When Xin jie looked back he saw San lang with a innocent smile which made him even more confused .

even after xie lian's warning the villagers rushed in left the offerings on the table until there was no space left 

Xie Lian sighed as he picked up a broom and started cleaning the mess the villagers left

Xin jie started picking up the pieces of  trash on the ground as san lang helped with sweeping

"Well if we look at the good side now the shrine does have followers"Xin jie said with a smile as he threw away the trash

"It is truly surprising how positive you can stay Xin jie but now that I think about it before even after months passed no one would come for a blessing" Xie  lian said

"Then how is this?"San lang asked

"I guess both of your luck has rubbed onto me"Xie lian said with a smile

"If my luck helps you than its a better use for it than staying with me"Xin jie said with a close eyed  smile

And at that moment Xie lian Suddenly remebered

He had got a curtain for the door as he took it out of his sleeve and hung it he took a few steps back to look at it When he saw the two boy's frozen in place they where looking at the spell writing which made the talismith

It was the one he drew long ago to keep out evil spirits and ghosts layer upoun layer of spells

Xin jie gave Xie lian a nervous smile as he spoke"uhm....gege I...I have to get something"

"Huh what-"before Xie lian could finish his sentence Xin jie was already out of the gate he turned to san lang who didn't say anything and walked out of the gate

'Could they not enter...Because of the..talismith?'

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