??- Again and again

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Every time. Every time Dream's plans failed. Every time they got messed up in some way. At this point, he was close to acting it out himself.

And now George was in the dungeon, ready to be executed. All because of the annoying prince. Oh, the anger that filled Dream when he thought of that boy...

He had cost Dream both of his friends and accomplices. It couldn't be delayed any longer. He would need to enter the high court as soon as possible.

            But he would beed to enter the lower court first... and he already had a way in. An old favor owed by a friend; the count could get him into the lower court. Then he would make his way up.

But he couldn't let George die. He was one of his last weapons to use. He would have to do something... but what?


| Bouquet of Lilies | SBI Royalty AU | written by Lav |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin