Survival note recorded in # 230611

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Your feet propel you from the rooftop as you tap into your latent power of flight, suddenly ascending into the Los Angeles sky with the skyscrapers shrinking beneath you. The wind whips around you, tossing your clothes and ruffling your hair as you shoot upwards. You steel your nerves, glancing back to see the multi-headed dragon closing in on your location. It lets out a thunderous roar, a symphony of horrifying sound produced by its many heads, that echoes through the city's steel canyons.

As you rocket upwards, you purposefully maneuver yourself in the dragon's line of sight, making yourself a clear, albeit rapidly moving, target. The creature's fiery gaze follows your path as you streak into the sky, its predatory instincts seizing upon your movement.

One of the dragon's heads snaps forward, releasing a stream of molten fire that arcs through the air towards you. Using your agility and speed, you swerve, feeling the heat of the flames as they just miss you, lighting up the evening sky and further attracting the creature's attention.

Roaring in frustration or perhaps anticipation, the dragon pushes its massive wings harder, gaining speed and altitude to follow you. Its attention is indeed drawn away from the vulnerable city below, its focus now solely on the audacious being challenging it in the sky.

Finally, you break through the layer of low-hanging clouds, their cool moisture providing a welcome contrast to the searing heat of the dragon's breath. With the city no longer in immediate danger, you have managed to buy some time and possibly gain an advantage in this aerial battlefield. You prepare for what comes next, ready to do what you can to protect the city of Los Angeles from this unimaginable threat.

With a quick mental calculation, you change your trajectory and streak toward the bright light emanating from the small rift above. It's a risky gamble, but in your gut, you sense it might be your best chance to gain an upper hand against the monstrous dragon.

The creature snarls behind you, picking up on your change in direction. It's multiple heads follow your path, their eyes glinting with predatory determination in the falling twilight. With a horrendous roar, it unleashes another gout of fire, a brilliant arc of deadly heat and destruction.

Sweat beads on your forehead as you push yourself faster, the heat of the approaching flame searing the air behind you. Using your agility and the advantage of your smaller size, you twist and turn, narrowly avoiding the inferno.

The chill of the clouds and their low visibility become allies in this endeavor. The dragon, larger and less nimble, roars in frustration as it attempts to navigate the vaporous labyrinth while keeping you in sight. It's fiery breath, once a deadly weapon, now adds to the confusion, its glow creating ghostly illusions in the foggy environment.

As you push through the cloud cover, the light from the rift intensifies. Its brightness is almost blinding now, an ethereal beacon in the chaotic sky. The rift pulses, emanating waves of energy that send shivers down your spine and fills the air with an electric charge.

Your heart pounds in your chest as you draw closer, the dragon's roars growing fainter behind you. It's a race against time, against a monstrous beast, towards an unknown salvation. Just a few more seconds, and you would reach the rift, hopefully finding something—anything—that could help you combat the creature threatening the city below.

Seizing this unexpected advantage, you waste no time and pivot in mid-air, your body glowing with an otherworldly energy absorbed from the rift. Your muscles hum with newfound strength and your senses are razor-sharp, your every movement quicker and more precise than before.

The dragon's roars grow louder as it charges toward you, the air around it rippling with heat from its numerous maws. It's a terrifying sight, a creature from a nightmare growing larger with each passing moment. But with the power surging within you, fear is replaced with a resolute determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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