Snivy Plays Hard to Catch

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"Ash um was that your stomach?" Alexis asks as she hears a growling sound while the group is walking.

"Yeah. Man I need food and quick!" Ash says.

"Pika." Pikachu says.

"So why don't we stop here for lunch?" Iris asks as she looks at Ash.

"Yeah. Good idea." Ash says.

"Runeon!" Runeon says as she wags her tail.

"I think Runeon agrees with you Ash." Alexis says as Runeon looks at her and smiles.

"Okay. Wait here. I'll get things ready." Iris says as she leaves the group.


"Alright guys! We're all set. Fresh as fresh can be. Dig in." Iris says as she comes over with a basket full of fruit while others are sitting down at a tree stump.

"Check it out. Wow does that look good." Ash says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Eat all you want." Iris says happily as she sits down.

"Even though it is just a bunch of fruit. Hold on just a minute." Cilan says as everyone looks at him.


"Well done Zorua. You've gotten a lot better at using Protect. Although you're still not able to hold it for very long. You'll eventually get it. Just takes practice." Alexis says as Zorua manages to do Protect before losing it.

"Hey Alexis the food is ready!" Cilan shouts as Alexis looks at him.

"Okay! Huh? Now where did that little guy get off to this time? I swear that Zorua loves to disappear on me." Alexis says before she sees Zorua is gone while Runeon looks around.

"Hey! What the? Cilan did you possibly put something in this fruit? I'm seeing double. Hey! Zorua." Ash shouts as Alexis sees another Pikachu sitting on Ashs's head before grabbing his food and turning into Zorua.

"Sorry about that Ash. Zorua can be pretty mischievous when it wants to be." Alexis says as she picks Zorua up off of ash before putting him down

"It's okay." Ash says as Alexis sits down and begins eating while Zorua lays down at her feet with Runeon and eats.

"I think they really enjoyed your cooking." Alexis says as she watches Iris and Ash go over to get seconds.

"I'm glad they did. Did you enjoy it? Looks like little Zorua here certainly did." Cilan says as Zorua hops up onto his shoulder happily.

"Cilan excuse me! I don't see any seconds here." Ash says as Alexis and Cilan walk over to him.

"Hmm. That doesn't make sense. There was plenty of food over here a second ago. I'm sure of it." Cilan says as he sees the dishes are empty.

"That's so weird. Then what in the world could have happened to it?" Iris asks.

"Axew." Axew says as he pokes his head out of iris's hair.

"Runeon!" Runeon shouts as she growls before seeing an Snivy come out of the grass.

"I think I know what happened to our food." Alexis says seeing the Snivy is eating some of the left over food.

"Hey that's a Snivy. It's one of the three starter pokemon you can get in the Unova region. Wow. and I'm gonna catch it now!" Ash shouts as he throws a pokeball at the Snivy.

"Huh? Oh no. Not again." Iris says.

"Again?" Alexis asks as she looks at iris before seeing the Snivy go into the pokeball but come back out before fleeing as the others go over to Ash.

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