The Notorious Girl

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The sun rose over the Downton, the lawn dazzled of the reflection of the dew and the warm sun. The handmaids scurried to their respective lord or lady. Anna knocked on her lady's door lightly, unlocking it and Y/n already stirring. "Excuse ma'am breakfast is almost ready to be served." She quietly informed her, gathering her clothes of the day. Y/n Crawley stretched in her comforters, the sun blinding her. "Anna, would you mind closing the curtains?" She nodded and closed them in a hurry going back to her prepping. "Thank you, love." The nickname made her smile slightly, Anna would never say this to them of course, but it was if an unspoken fact. Y/n is one of the kinder sisters here. The closest to her would definitely be Sybil, but she always has a kind tone. 

"Anna? Can I ask you a question?" She inquired as she effortlessly came into the dress. "Of course, Ma'am." Y/n sat in her makeup desk starting to brush her hair, Anna silently took over as she spoke. "Do you think that Papa and mama are upset that I turned down Jack?" Jack was a duke from London. A powerful figure, although Y/n did not care for that. Anna was hesitant, often when ladies and lords ask for an opinion, they mean say theirs. Although Y/n is different she cares for opinions. "If I am speaking freely my lady, I think they will be peeved, but with time they will understand." She unsteadily spoke as if she was testing the waters. Y/n sighed and for a second Anna believed she went too far. "Yes, I think you might be right. I just wish they understood sooner. Thank you, Anna, I hope you have a lovely day if not come to me I'll fix it." She said this every morning, Anna never did come to her she just enjoyed hearing it. "I will my lady, thank you." 

Y/n made her way into the dining room, saying good morning to Carson, who placed her plate down. "Good morning, Papa." She chippered and he merely glanced at her. her sisters glanced at each other. "Hello Mama, sleep well." She asks taking a small bite of her toast, ignoring her sisters' glances. Her father places the newspaper down harshly, "are you going to act as if nothing has happened!?" 

"Nothing did happen." Her mother and father gaped at her, "Y/n Jack asked you for his hand and you turned him down!" He gaped at his one of his youngest, her sisters all joined in their jaws practically hit the floor. "You did what!?" Edith and Mary asked at the same time. "I turned him down; he was a grouch, and he was rude to our staff. Not to mention -" 

"Not to mention his grand fortune, are you really looking for more!?" Mary interrupted chuckling at her younger sister's ignorance. "I don't want his money, I want no man's money I want love, and respect -" 

"Those are childish things Y/n, it's easy to say you don't need money when you have it." Her mother reasoned taking a sip of her morning tea. "It is also easy to say you want respect when you don't have it." Y/n wavered, turning to her mother "I am feeling a bit restless I think a walk will do. Excuse me, Mr. Carson?" 

"Yes ma' lady?"

"Please give my complements to Mrs. Patmore." 

"Of course, ma'am." 

She left the room not a second after, leaving her family gaping at her what seemed foolishness. She walked the estate like she has always, coming to her favorite place. A huge cherry tree, difficult to climb unless you know where to step. Her whole childhood she would be the only one to climb the tree. It overlooked the land perfectly, she would come her when she was bored, sad, angry, any emotion she did not enjoy. It was her safe haven, even now in her early adulthood. 

An hour or so has passed and the family sits in the library, waiting for the notorious girl. "Where is she?" Edith asked rolling her eyes, "In that tree I bet." Mary sighed, "She is not coming out of that thing till she calms down. Heaven knows how long that will take." She crossed her legs and sipped her tea. Mr. Crawley pinched his nose, aggravated here he is worrying about his daughter's future, and she is climbing trees. "I should cut that thing down." He whispered more to himself, but Sybil heard and had a look of horror on her face. "Of Papa don't, you know how much she loves that tree." he nodded and looked out the window and, in the distance, he can see the silhouette of the haven. "Mr. Bates?" 

"Yes, sir?" 

"Could you go and fetch her for me, please?" 

"Of course, sir." 

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