Fourth was excited. He asked if the shaman could read his fortune.

"You want to know about your soulmate aren't you?"

Fourth's eyes became rounded and bigger. Woah, the shaman was so good! He knew!

Fourth quickly nodded like a mad man.

"Show me your palm."

Fourth put his palm on the table and stared at the shaman with full of attention. He was excited to know who his soulmate is.

"A boy." The shaman said after reading Fourth's palm lines.

Fourth's eyebrows wiggled, "My soulmate?"

The shaman nodded, "You won't mind?"

"Of course not!" Fourth grinned. He was happy to know. The gender didn't really matter to him. As long as the person makes him the happiest man in the world.

"Could you tell me how he looks?" Fourth was so interested to know.

[ Palm reading ]

"He is handsome, tall and..."


"A bit weird."

[ Silenced ]

"It doesn't matter. I like weird people." Fourth happily said. The shaman smiled.

"So is he near?"

"He's Thai and all I can say, he is quite near to you. You just have to find him."

Fourth smiled so wide that makes his glasses fell down to the ground. His vision went blurry but he didn't care about it anymore.

"And one more thing..." The shaman stopped Fourth's wild imagination. Fourth quickly directed his blurry vision to the shaman's face.

"He is your husband in your previous life."

Fourth almost got heart attack when he heard that. HIS PREVIOUS HUSBAND??

"Unfortunately...." The shaman stopped there while letting out a heavy sigh.

"What? Whattt? Please tell me..." Fourth was already standing up. It was like he almost ready to throw hands at the shaman.

"You only have 4 months to get him or else he will be somebody else's boyfriend."


Fourth quickly picked his glasses up from the dusty ground and put it on his face. The shaman's face became clear. He could clearly see the shaman's bold head and fat belly again.

Fourth was frustrated and upset.

"Do you know his name?" Fourth asked.

"All I can tell you is his name started with G."

Fourth nodded. G..... GUN? GIM? GROOT?

"I got to go... Thank you!" Fourth left the table but then remembered that he didn't pay him yet. When he turned back the shaman wasn't there anymore.

He was gone along with his table and chair.

Errr.... Where is he? Fourth was puzzled. Scratches his head in confusion.

"Khun? Are you still here? Khun?" Fourth called. There was no BOM FORTUNE TELLER there.

[ Satang called via phone ]


"Fourth, where are you?"

"I'm outside. Why?"

"I'm outside of your room with food."

"Where is your spare key?"

"I've forgotten."

Fourth sighed, "Okay, I'm coming."


Fourth didn't touch the food that Satang bought for him. He was too busy thinking about the shaman and someone who named G.

Satang slapped the table.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I met a fortune teller today." Fourth said.


"He told me that my soulmate is quite near and his name started with G."

Satang was confused.

"So that's why you rejected my offer to play football today? To meet a fortune teller?" Satang was a little upset. He didn't believe in shaman, it was superstitious.

"It was coincident. He was the one who called for me and wanted to read my palm."

"So, what he told you?" Satang was pretty interested to know.

Fourth spontaneously smiled, was grinning from ear to ear.

"He said this person is my husband in my previous life...."

Satang who was drinking an orange juice suddenly sprays water out of his mouth. It hits Fourth's face.

Fourth froze like a mannequin. Damn you, Satang.

"Ha ha ha! I'm sorry!!" Satang crazily laughed. Fourth was so funny and ridiculous.

Previous husband? What? That was so damn funny man!

"The shaman is a scammer, trust me." Satang said while wiping the orange juice on Fourth's glasses with tissues.

Fourth took the tissues from his friend's hand and wiped it himself. He was pissed off. Satang was laughing and ridiculed him.

"I will prove it to you!" He said.


Hai, we meet again!

I'm sorry for the lateness. Enjoy reading! 🤟

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