Phoom knows Tae is busy but he makes time during his break to come and talk to him about Tee. From here Phoom already can see how determined Tae is and how serious he wants to go after Tee. He knows Tae and at the same time he knows Tee too, Tee might look weak but he has a strong heart, it won't be easy to heal the broken heart . Phoom wants both of his nongs to have a happy life so he will pray for them.


Tee is mad when he needs to cover Tae's office room. Tae complained that the water pressure in his private toilet in his office is low and needs someone to check on it

The toilet is already attached with the bathroom here since sometimes the CEO needs to refresh himself because of his busy schedule and change to a new attire. Tae rarely uses the bathroom but today he has problems with the shower .

"I don't want to phi! Can't you ask someone else?" Tee is begging Phoom to give the task to someone else

"Phi Ben, Phi Inn? Help nong this time na?" Tee looks at Inn and Ben pitifully, he wants to get away from this task.

Ben and Inn laugh but shake their heads, they need to cover another building today and they have to leave soon.

"It won't be hard and it doesn't take lots of time" Inn  ruffles Tee's hair making Tee huffs angrily but cutely.

Ben also taps Tee's head and leaves after that making Tee more angrier. They thought Tee was scared of the boss, but who wouldn't?

"Take this and go now. Boss is in a meeting room right now, if you check it fast you won't see him"

"Really?! Then I'm going!" Tee practically runs to the office, he needs to be fast

He looks around the office, he already double checked with the secretary that Tae is not in the office.

Tee looks at every faucets and the shower can't use it well. When he try to turn it, it can't move the water didn't pour out.

"This is so tight like it's glued" comments Tee and keep trying to turn it. He use all methods he can and his power too, at this rate he might knock it off and put a new one.

While Tee is struggling to repair it Tae enter his office with a frown on his face.

"I've still has a meeting later, I can't go with this suit. It's stained with coffee" Tae is really angry when someone accidentally hit him and make rhe coffee spilled on his shirt, he is totally wet.

"Sara, ask Ray to fetch me a new set of suit, I've only have a shirt here" orders Tae to Sara and walk to the bathroom, he takes off his stained shirt to send it to laundry later

He is already shirtless when he enter the bathroom, he is surprised to see Tee in here.


"Huh?! Oh!!!" Tee is shocked to see Tae in the bathroom with no shirt on and without he means it, he knocked the faucet off and water pouring making him wet.

"Gosh! Tee!" Tae try to help Tee making both of them wet from head to toe, they can't do anything to stop the water unless Tee put on the new faucet.

They are panicking but when Tae told Tee what to do Tee start doing his job properly. They able to stop the water but they are already drenched.

Tae looks at Tee who is looking at him and blinks cutely, the hair fall because of the water, Tee looks like a cute little boy.

Tae chuckles and can't stop himself from ruffling Tee's soft and wet hair.

"I'm gonna leave" Tee wants to leave the awkward situation but Tae stops him by pulling his arm.

"I'm not letting you go with your wet clothes,it will wet my office. Wait here" Tae takes his white shirt and give it to Tee, he also gives Tee a towel.

"Change into this first, wear towel to cover you lower part, I will tell Ray to bring proper clothes" orders Tae leaving Tee with no other choice.

"Turn around" Tee doesn't want to be stare at when he is changing so Tae chuckles but turn around. Mo matter with way he turn, he still can see Tee's reflection from the mirror,so he enjoys watching it.

After Tee is done he put his wet clothes on the sink, Tae is still in wet pant, he doesn't has any towel or clothes to change anymore.

"How about you khun?" Ask Tee.

"I've already asked Phi Ray to bring my clothes,can you take my phone on the table, I need to tell him to  bring for you too"

"Okay!" Tee go to the table and come back to Tae with the phone, Tae already outside at the door, he didn't enter the office but he is already at the door. After he is done sending text to Ray he gives the phone back to Tee.

They are standing close to each other and Sara enter the room at that time, she drops the file in his hand when she saw Tee and Tae suspicious situation.

"I'm sorry, I will come later" Sara apologise leaves fast.

"No! No! This is not,,," Tee doesn't even has time ro explain the real situation. He is dead if the rumours spread around the office.

"You still can laugh khun? What if rumours spread around the office?" Tee is angry because Tae is laughing at them, nothing is funny for Tee.

"Don't worry, I know Sara won't create a rumour." Tee huffs angrily and walk away from Tae. He stands at the other side while waiting for clothes to be sent here.

Tae is still happy with what's happening. He wants to thank the man who spilled the coffee on him, he is not angry about that anymore and he is proud of his work at gluing the faucet to make Tee come to his office. Everything turned out better than what he plan.

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