"Okay we need to go in there" Bobby said.

"Stand back I got this" Buck said as he launched forward and without thinking Alex put herself in front of him placing one hand on his chest and the other on the axe as everyone else screamed for him to stop. She didn't even know how she reacted so fast as she slowly lowered the axe from his hand into hers as she moved the axe away from the guy.

"Did you even think that you might hit a baby" Bobby asked"Yeah that's what I thought go get a saw Alex go with him"  he said.

Buck ran back out and she quickly followed holding the axe so she could put it back in the truck.

"Alex help him find some common sense while your down there" Chim yelled after them.

"Will do" Alex called back as she ran to catch up with Buck. As they got downstairs Alex tried to remember where Buck got the axe from. While she was trying to remember Buck quickly grabbed it out of her hand and said "Here, I got it" as he put it back in the truck.

"Thanks" She said "Sorry I still don't quite remember where everything is."

"It's cool" Buck said as he grabbed the saw "Wanna race back up the stairs?"

"Sure" She replied knowing he would regret it. On the weekends when the sisters didn't work they would go to the track and do some racing to make the other stay in shape. Friendly competition as they called it, all their coworkers saw it as competitiveness between the two Jackson sisters because the one who lost always walked into work pouting the next day.

Once he got the saw she started sprinting for the staircase with Buck hot on her tail. When they got back to the fourth floor Buck was out of breath and she was just a little sweaty as they gave the saw to Bobby who started opening up the wall.  Then Hen ran out screaming for nobody to flush their toilets and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

Soon they got the pipe removed and Alex started prepping all the supplies that they might need like towels and saline. She tossed Bobby the lube and soon the baby was swiftly removed. After a few minutes of CPR a babies cry was heard throughout the apartment. Quickly they ran back outside the apartment and turns out nobody held the elevator.

"Oh nobody held the elevator" Bobby said.

"Ope sorry about that Cap" Chimney said while spam pressing the down button.

Then Buck spoke up and said "Give her to Alex she is crazy fast and can take the stairs."

Everyone turned to her and she was frozen "well can you?" Bobby said.

"Um yeah totally" she replied..

"Good" Bobby said passing her the baby "Buck go with her you guys need to run."

""Ok" she said quickly securing the bundle of blankets and turning on her heel to the staircase flying down them. She saw the floor number fly past her as she bounded down the flights of stairs 4,3,2,1. She turned and ran outside only to find more stairs and she started running down those too it was an adrenaline rush.

As she got closer to the bottom She heard Hen yell "Be careful Alex, let's go."

She jumped down the last couple of stairs and ran into the ambulance with Buck close behind. She passed buck the baby and started grabbing her supplies from the ambulance. As the door were about to close a police officer yelled for them to stop because there was another patient.

Buck quickly yelled back saying "yo is that the mother no screw her look at what she did"

The officer responded again with "She is bleeding out, she is a child."

"Oh dang" Alex thought while she pulled a second IV line from the supplies.

Bobby got to the ambulance quickly intervening saying "woah what are you guys doing you need to go"

The officer looked at him and said "He is refusing to take her"

"Right c'mon" Bobby said quickly grabbing the girl and depositing her on the gurney. All at the same time Hen was yelling form the drivers seat for them to hurry up.

Before they closed the doors Buck quickly yelled out one last time saying "yo if this baby dies it is on you"

Chimney ran to the passengers seat and started instructing Alex on what to do while bobby hopped into the back and closed th doors. On the way to the hospital Alex securing the mothers vitals and Bobby and Buck helping the baby she heard the mother say "I'm so sorry is she gonna be okay."

Bobby grabbed the mothers hand and the baby held the her finger and it was just a heartwarming sight for Alex to see.

When they arrived at the hospital she couldn't help but notice of how protective buck is over the baby and how cute he was acting. He would make a great father someday "snap out of it" she mentally slapped herself. Then the screaming fest started yay I guess.  The officer from earlier which turned out to be Athena who Alex worked with sometimes showed up and started yelling at buck saying "You don't get to decide who lives and who dies"

Buck replied smugly but calmly "Really because i was under the impression that that kinda was my job"

"That mother was no less a child than her baby you could get someone killed"

"Well maybe but not today"

Alex thought to herself okay maybe buck was not that cute as she stood there and watched the scene unfold.

"Yeah you keep making jokes but i promise you the next time that you screw up it will be your last" The Athena said cooly walking away.

Buck than looked back at the rest of us saying "What"

Bobby just replied "Get in the truck"

She gave Hen a look that said "Someone is in trouble" and then hopped back into the Ambulance.

A/N hey guys I'm so sorry I have not really updated this like at all a lot has been happening these past couple of weeks. For one I am a technician at a theater and we just had four shows all performing on the same day so I was in the shop from like 8-6 everyday. Also very recently my family suffered the loss of a family pet this weekend so I am very sad and feel as if I start writing more here the story will take a turn for the worse. So again I'm sorry and thank you for your patience.

I would also like to mention that this chapter has not been edited yet.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" BuckleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon