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july 27th, 2007
tokyo, japan

"shut the hell up and give me the fuckin' money," [name] snapped, pointing the pistol at the businessman's forehead. she pressed it into his skin, her trigger finger twitching slightly. she had an irked expression, eyes narrowed.

"i-i ha-ave it! ple-ease don't sho-ot!" he pleaded, sweating nervously. the teen tilted her head to the side, raising a brow. the man slowly reached into his desk, only to pull out a gun. [name] shot the man before he could react, sighing.

now she would have to rummage through a dead man's desk. as she walked around it to look for the money, her phone began to ring. another sigh escaped her and she found herself staring at the contact name. it was sōya. she blinked, frowning slightly. he knew she was on a job, despite how wary of the yakuza idea he was. regardless, she picked up.


"emma woke up."

"she did?! i'll visit when i can. i have another debt collection to do." he hummed, muttered a goodbye, and hung up. [name] huffed at his rudeness but brushed it off and continued searching for the money.

as she did so, she accidentally pulled out files regarding the kanto manji gang. she furrowed her brows, pursing her lips. eyes scanning the papers, she felt them widen with each sentence. the businessman she had just shot was using the money to support the kanto manji gang, which meant the money wasn't there.

the teen cursed, annoyed. "stupid businessmen."

with that, [name] called senju. "he doesn't have the money."


"i shot him dead since he tried to pull a gun on me. after that, i began looking for the money. it's not here."

"well shit."

"he was also working with the kanto manji gang. that's where the money went."

"you're joking-"

"nah. i'm dead serious. i'll burn the building down, say it was electrical, or something." she hung up, glancing down at the dead businessman. he had blood dripping down from his forehead, leaking into the wooden desk. the teen grimaced but pocketed the gun and turned to leave. as she did so, she lit a match, dropping it to the carpet. stepping over it, she hurried out of the building.

once outside, she turned to watch her handiwork. the building was now erupted in bright flames, the crackling echoing. the sound of sirens sounded nearby, causing her to turn her faze towards them. she held her phone in her hand, acting as if she were about to call someone.

"oh, thank god!" she stated upon seeing police officers walk towards her. "th-the building caught fire a-and-!"

"miss, are you alright?" one of the officers asked, brows furrowed. she shakily nodded and his face relaxed. "okay. please step aside while we work on the scene. have others gotten out?"

"i-i don't kno-ow." the officers nodded and gently led her away. once they were out of sight, she grinned, a glint in her eye. with that, [name] left.


the teen hummed to herself as she walked to the hospital. she had her hands in her pockets, chewing gum. a group of boys walked past her, whistling at the sight of the girl. disgusted, [name] shot them a glare.

"let's have some fun, shall we?" one of them asked.

"no thanks."

"why not? i'm sure you'd love to."

"i said no."

"just one time? i promise it'll be fun."

"she said no." the group turned to the voice. seeing it was sōya, she relaxed, heading towards him. now next to her boyfriend, she glared harshly at the group of boys, clinging to sōya's arm. they began to scamper off, leaving the couple. "are you okay?"

"i'm fine, love. they didn't do anything."

"good." he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, taking her hand and leading her towards the hospital. she obliged, yawning.

"so emma woke up?"


"good. i'm glad."

july 14th, 2008
tokyo, japan

[Name] wasn't sure what she was expecting when her sister declared the war between the three deities would be on july fourteenth, but draken's death was not something she thought would happen. he was seventeen yet he died protecting that takemitchy brat.

the eighteen-year-old sighed as she watched the battle from above. she was perched on a nearby building, not participating due to sōya asking senju that she shouldn't—for what reason, she hadn't a clue. as she watched, she was acutely aware of mikey standing several feet away. the blond was focused on the battle, his face carefully blank.

[name] spared him a glance, meeting his haze for but a second before she broke the eye contact. a sigh escaped her lips and she turned back to the fight below, narrowing her eyes. takemitchy was currently receiving a beatdown by some dude with a scar on his face. yelling echoed in the empty lot.

at this rate, the takemitchy kid was going to die. as she was about to jump down, senju kicked the scarred boy in the head and dragged takemitchy back, away from the crowd. they exchanged words before senju leaped at the scarred male. they began trading blows, blood and sweat flying through the air.

senju roared in annoyance, causing kakucho to flinch in shock. he was tackled, brought to the concrete. rain poured against the figures as they fought. [name] would've gone down if not for the hand mikey put in front of her to stop her.

"not yet," he uttered. she frowned but obliged, sitting back to continue watching. mikey jumped in not long after, easily defeating senju. the girl stared with wide eyes as she sat on the concrete.

"i-i'll disband brahman, okay?! ju-just don't hurt my members!" senju cried out. mikey stared before laughing.

"okay!" he cheered, confusing the pinkette. [name] furrowed her brows at his sudden petulant behavior but said nothing, simply moving down to help her sister.

this feels rushed. i spent several days on it and it feels rushed. idk. i dont like how this chapter turned out. regardless, there's one chapter left before the epilogue.

so stay tuned for that. itll be more of a fluff chapter, unless yall want smut-? i'll write smut if yall want smut. just let me know!

also i unpublished siren for some editing, so if you're a reader of siren, please do not worry! it will be returning soon, i promise.

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