Chapter 7

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I sit and eat the breakfast in silence, allowing the other 2 to talk about whatever they were talking about, basically just pushing my food around my plate to make it look like I was eating. I wasn't eating. I didn't feel like it. I felt small and pathetic and insignificant compared to these 2 global legends.
"You're very quiet, y/n." Chloe prods me in the arm, adressing me rather suddenly.
"Not got much to say.." I mumble, trying to pay more attention to the pancakes thst her words.
"I'm sorry I disturbed you this morning.. - I feel like I stirred through pot."
"It's no problem." I say."It's not like I would have stayed there long."
You can't say I wasn't aware of Lauren when her face dropped at my words. "Why not?" She pokes, obviously a little insulted.
Now or never, I guess.
"Because I tend to get attached to things, Lauren. So when you get bored of me, which you will. It won't hurt as much. Because it won't happen."
"What if I wanted you to get attached?"
I scoff at that, my eyes rolling sarcastically.
"You wouldn't, because you can do so much better than me. I'm a nobody. You're somebody. Somebody's and nobody's don't talk because it always ends in the nobody getting depressed and killing them selves." I burst out, completely certain for no apparent reason.
I slid off the chair i was sitting on and ran upstairs to find my clothes from yesterday.
"I have a feeling I should have stayed home today." Chloe says, her chair following mine as it scrapes the floor to give her space to get out. I heard the front door close once more, and so I re-emerged from the bedroom.
"She gone?" I ask, peeking my head round the stairs.
"Y/n? Are you not mad?" Lauren's head whips up to look at me, speaking in an almost breathy laugh.
"You're kidding. I love being around you, I was just panicking that the more she knew, the more likely it was to get out, and.."
"You don't really want the press knowing."
"-and. I couldn't do much while she was here. Wouldn't want her third wheeling." I say, turning round the corner and booping her on the nose once close enough. Before, however, I could go and sit next to her from her place on the sofa she dragged me down onto her lap and ruffled the top of my head.
"Ya dirty little cow. You played her like a fiddle."
"Hey, diddle diddle." I said, winking at her cheekily. There's a pause where I lean back against her, my legs over her thighs, and my head on her shoulder. After the night I had last night, I was totally exhausted, I was completely ready to shut down once more..
Until I was shaken out of it, by a concerned Lauren.
"Hey, pretty."
I hum, the vibration hollowing through Lauren's neck where my lips were pressed. Coincidentally, of course.
"You meant what you said earlier, though, didn't you."
"Which bit?" I question, moving my head to look at her eyes.
"Where you said you didn't want to get attached."
She was right, I did mean it.
"I.. I've done it before. Got too comfortable to find out it was only a joke. I just don't wanna let myself get hurt again."
I can feel her body physically tense from underneath me, a hand moving to stroke some of the hair around my shoulders.
"I would never hurt you. you're too precious." She says.
"That was too cringey, nope." I hide my face back in her neck, trying to cover the blush which would expose my lies.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
You see, in these times, there is always something to ruin it. Like time. I wish it would freeze, leaving me in my own world, just how I liked it.
"Shit. Lauren, what time is it?"
I think I shock her a bit, her heart skipping a beat or 2.
"Uh.. quarter to 11?"
"Shitttt. I actually have to go. I have school in 15 minutes and it takes at least 25 to get there. I'm so sorry."
I launch myself up from the sofa and slip on my shoes, giving her a pitying look before racing towards the door. However, before I could go, strong fingers wrapped around my wrist. "I could give you a ride?" She suggests, her grip loosening as she trails a finger up my arm.
"You're a flirt, Hempo. But that would be great."
She smirks, grabbing a pair of Converse and following me out of the house, towards the car parked in the garage.
I climb into the passenger side and strap in, listening to the car grumble as it sets off towards the University a couple of minutes away by car.
We arrive in about 7 minutes, her car pulling to a halt before I grab my phone and open the door.
"Hey! You're forgetting something." Lauren calls back just before I close the door.
"I have my phone..?"
She shakes her head, gesturing for me to crawl back into the car, before she taps her lips.
"Goodbye kiss from the pretty lady?"
"Lauren!" I hiss. "What if the press see?"
"Ah, fuck the press." She leans forward, planting a gentle kiss to my lips.
"Have a good day. Oh, and.." she passes me a piece of paper. "My number."
And with that, she's gone.

(I sincerely apologise for my lack of updates, I forgot this existed. I'm promoting my new discord server! Please just join and have a chat Keep any requests coming in! Love ya <3)

Hempo X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang