Chapter 6

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The sun blares through the open window, blinding me in all its glory. I open my eyes, blinking a couple of times to get rid of the dozyness and sit up. In times like this, where I wake up in someone else's apartment, I expect to have a hangover. It's always an odd feeling when I don't. As I try to get up, a weight oulls at my arm, Lauren's sleeping figure mumbling out. "I swear to god, y/n. If you don't lay back down, then I'm kicking you out.."
With that, I lay back down, nestling back into the den we'd made ourselves of blankets and pillows in our sleep. Rustling, followed by a groan, meant that suddenly, I had an arm draped over my stomach, holding me in place. From just behind me ear, Lauren whispers, "Did you sleep well, y/n."
I only hum out a response, much more focused on the way her nose keeps on nudging at my ear. "Is that a positive hum, pretty?" Shs says again, nose never leaving its place behind my ear.
"Lauren, can you please stop nosing my neck in?
It's her turn to hum, lips pressed gently to my neck.
"I'm guessing the clingyness is due to tiredness?"
She hums again.
And that's where we stay, her hand draped daintily over my stomach, her mouth and nose pressed against my neck and me just laying there, every so often wiggling under her touch.
None of us truly noticed the click of her door opening. Both of us are more preoccupied with the presence of one another.
"Loz, I was just coming to check in on you. It's not like you to miss a.. party."
There's a pause.
"So that's where you were off too in such a rush. Didn't wanna share your girl, huh?" At the sound of a voice, Lauren shoots up and stares at the person who had waltzed into her house. I, however, stay hidden. "CHLOE HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE?"
"Oh, please. Who hides their spare key under the doormat."
"Uhm. Me."
"Obviously." She takes a couple of steps forward towards where we both lay, but before she gets too close, she suddenly stops and asks. "You're not naked. Are you?"
"CHLOE! NO! God no. No." Lauren yells, looking over at me, who was turning a very bright red.
"What are you doing, anyways."
"I just want to see the pretty girl you have hidden."
"I'm not hidden." I respond, eyes rolling as I join Lauren in the knelt position over the sofas armrest.
"Oo, but you are pretty, though! What a catch Loz, gimme 5." She says, giving Lauren a quick high five. It isn't much after that when Lauren turns a similar colour to myself, eyes now meeting Chloe's infront of her.
"So, if you weren't hooking up and you're not hiding her, then why the hell are you sleeping on the sofa?"
"It's a long story.." she says.
"I have time.."
"Well -"
"Well, we're not that close." I say, filling in for Lauren's absence of words.
"Your proximity says otherwise."
At those words, I wiggle away from Lauren, giving her some personal space.
"Oi! I'm cold now.." she mutters, not loud enough for Chloe to hear but plenty loud enough for me.
"You still haven't explained." Chloe says rather suddenly.
"To put it blunt, she plucked me out of the stadium last night and said I was special. She took my home but I didnt have the keys so she came back and took me to her house. I'm literally nobody but this random girl with terrible luck, who she happened to stumble upon." I quickly burst out, suddenly very aware of how loud my voice is.
"Hey, you know it isn't like that."
"No, it is Lauren. As much as you tell me it isn't, it is." I know I'm being rude, but in the shortcomings, it's going to save me some pain. I have a tendency to become attached to things, so that day when she gets bored and leaves me won't hurt so much. Because it won't happen.
"I should get going anyways."
"Aren't you gonna stay for breakfast? I'll cook for you both." Chloe perks up, watching at my outburst and troubled mind.
"Y/n. Please stay."
Why was it so easy to convince me?

(Sorry for the wait. It isn't one of my most popular books, so I prefer to focus on the others first. Please drop a comment with a request for another player as I have an idea but no player! Love ya <3)

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