Chapter Eleven: Freak Out

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I swung open Sayori's house door, and the lights were seemingly off. Other than the light under Sayori's bedroom door. I took her she couldn't have found a way to die, right? No...of course not. Sayori trusts me, right? So she wouldn't have killed herself, so why am I nervous?

I knocked on her bedroom door. There wasn't a response.

"Sayori...?" I muttered. "I'm coming in..."

I took a deep breath and gripped the handle of the door. I stared at the door for a moment and finally opened the door. My breath got caught in my throat as I stared into the room. Sayori's hand was all bloody as she was passed out on the ground. Her skin was pale and unlife-like. I carefully walked over to Sayori to examine her bloody hand.

Scissors stuck out of the hand like a sore thumb. I carefully took out the bloody scissors to examine it. It seemed EXTREMELY sharp, and had an orange handle. I looked at her hand, and it looked like a bullet hole went through her entire hand, even though it was only scissors.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at Sayori's body. She was breathing slowly, and blood still poured out of her hand. I ran to the bathroom to grab bandages and I wrapped her hand in a bandage. I went downstairs to grab an ice pack and I put it on Sayori's forehead carefully just to keep her body heat down so she doesn't overheat. I held Sayori carefully, to make sure even if she was passed out, that she was comfortable.

I placed her in her bed and laid the ice pack on her forehead. I covered her up in a blanket, and I held Sayori's injured hand carefully. I looked over to her face again, and her calm expression. I looked over to her bandaged hand that was covered in blood now. I unwrapped her hand since the bandage was soaked in blood. Instead, I brought over Neosporin and Hydrogen Peroxide.

I lightly poured Hydrogen Peroxide on her wound. Then I rubbed Neosporin on it. I wrapped it in a new bandage and I stuck with Sayori, since she needed me. I know she does.

I placed the Neosporin and Hydrogen Peroxide into the bathroom cabinet. I went over to Sayori's bed and sat down next to the bed. I waited patiently for Sayori to wake up, no matter how long it took. She needs me and my company. I waited. And waited. And waited.

Because of boredom, my eyes gravitated towards her desk. I stood up and looked at the piece of paper on her seemed to be a poem. A poem called "Trust"...I decided to read it because of curiosity.


Trust is something

Individuals need.

I don't deserve

the pain

the gaze that's called "friendly".

I don't need their trust

All I want is the rain clouds to go away.

They never do, and I don't deserve their trust.

Why do they trust me

when I'm a horrible person?

I trust them

But do they trust me back?

I stared at the poem, having a solemn expression on my face. Trust...she wants trust, doesn't she? She doesn't want me puppy guarding her 24/7...that doesn't seem like trust, does it? Even though I was worried about Sayori ending her life, I should trust that she's fine. Maybe trust is what she needs...

I went over to Sayori, a sad smile coming across my face. She needs me...but I should trust her more. I always have this problem of simple paranoia...I should trust them more, shouldn't I? Sure, she might end up killing herself...but she might not if I trust her. And she trusts me. Friendships are not supposed to be one-sided, right? I should give her time...but at the same time, help her with her depression.

I sat down next to the bed once again, keeping her company through this hard time. Sayori's eyes fluttered open, her expression emotionless.

"Y/'re here...?" Sayori gasped. I nodded, and kept her close to me. Her nose sniffled as tears were rolling down her face. "Why...?"

"I can tell you need me...I wrapped your hand in a bandage to make sure you heal properly...what happened, after all?"

"I...I got upset at myself so I stabbed my hand with the s-scissors..."

There were silence for a moment, then Sayori looked up at me.

"I'm glad I could trust you."

"Me too."

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