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Sinon's POV

As I got close to the gates of my school, I saw a group of girls looking at a familiar boy leaning against a blue motorcycle, my eyes grew wide as two girls that were wearing the same uniform as I was came walking towards me.

"Asada-san" the first girl whispered "Who's that?"

"Is that your boyfriend?" The other girl asked me, I walked to the little group and made my way in front.

"I told you we could meet, but what are you doing somewhere so obvious?" I said to the guy.

"Yo, hey there, Sinon" Kirito said to me with a smile, the girls started squealing making me blush, Kirito raised his eyebrows to the girls.

"He's so cute!" One of the girls said, Kirito looked as if he was going to be murdered by someone.

"I know, right?" Another girl replied.

"Sorry girls, but I'm taken" Kirito said with a smile, the girls pouted as I got the hint of Kirito.

"Oh! Um, yeah! He is!" I walked next to him and turned to the girls with my red face.

Am I actually pretending to be Kirito's girlfriend?

"Well, Sinon, let's go! I want you to meet some people" Kirito got on his motorcycle and gave me a helmet as he put his, I got on and put my arms around his waist, I rested my chin on his shoulder with a soft smile.

----Minutes Later----

"Here we are!" Kirito announced as we got down from the motorcycle, I looked up and saw a brown little building, we walked over to the door and opened it, there was a tall men behind the counter and two girls sitting in two of the chairs.

"You are late! Because of that I ate two pieces of apple pie! If I get fat it will be all your fall!!" One of the girls yelled, she had brown short hair, Kirito's eye twitched.

"Why...?" He said.

"Kirito, aren't you going to introduce us?" The pretty girl with long, orange-brownish chestnut hair and hazel eyes said. She wore the uniform of the school that had the ex-SAO players.

"Oh, right. Um, this is Asada Shino A.K.A Sinon" Kirito said as I bowed "And this, Sinon, are my friends from SAO, Liz and Asuna" someone cleared their throat "oh, and Agil" the three of them waved.

"So, Sinon, we need to talk..." Asuna said.

----Moments Later----

I couldn't believe it, they had helped me get over my fear, they had gone through all this trouble...just for me....*

When the woman and her daughter said their goodbyes, I turned to Kirito embraced him tightly.

"Thank you....Kirito..." I whispered with a soft smile before I let go of him with a faint blush, he smiled and nodded.

"No problem. That's what friends are for" he said as he walked to the door "oh! Sinon, do you want me to take you home?" I nodded "I'll be waiting for you outside" he got out of the bar and Asuna followed him.


I sighed before saying bye to Liz and Agil, I walked out of the bar and stared right at Asuna and Kirito with wide eyes.

Kirito was leaning against his motorcycle like when he picked me up, and Asuna was between his legs and her arms tangled around his neck as Kirito's hand rested on her waist, while their foreheads touched, I gasped making both of them jump away from each other.

"I am.....sorry...t-to have interrupted" I bowed for the second time today as I felt my heart being crushed into millions of pieces.

"Oh! No, no, no, no! I-its okay! Um, we were just saying bye!.....yeah!" Asuna said with a nervous laugh "please don't tell Liz! She'll blackmail me with it or something!" She pleaded as I nodded "thank you, Sinonon! Bye Kirito" she gave Kirito a kiss on the cheek making him blush and smiled.

"Bye Asuna" Kirito said as Asuna walked over to the door "hey! As soon as I take Sinon, I will come back and pick you up!" Kirito said and put his helmet on, I got on the motorcycle and put the helmet on, too, and finally put my arms around him.

Kirito started the motorcycle and we were off to my house, I rested my head, which is covered by the helmet, on Kirito's back and I sighed heavily.

"Its everything alright there, Sinon?" Kirito asked me.

No, its not! You told me you were friends with Asuna! you didn't told me you were in a relationship!!

I was about to say what I just thought, but then stopped myself.

Why should I be mad at him? He didn't do anything bad to me, if anything, Asuna should be the one mad and jealous because I'm hanging out with her boyfriend..........Is not Kirito's fault, nor Asuna''s just me and my stupid feelings.

"Yeah, everything's just fine" I said as I started smirking "so, Asuna, right?"

*This actually happened on the anime at the second season.

Sorry guys! I was really busy! But now here it is! Yay! Oh! I have an announcement to make!

Kazuto-kun12 and I are making a story together! It hasn't been updated yet, but it is soon! And don't worry, its a SAO story! If you want to know what is it about, ask me or her!

Angy Kagamine out! PEACE!

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