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*Andy's POV*

I huffed as I sat on the couch. Ash told me he's staying at Harley's, so now I'm bored as fuck. I'm used to having Ash around to keep me busy, so I don't know what to do with myself now. I guess I could call Matt. We haven't hung out in a while. I texted him and told him come over. He said he would and he'd bring beer. He was here for about an hour and a half before we were completely wasted. He was laughing hysterically at something stupid and smacked his hand down on my thigh. He stopped laughing and slowly slid his hand up. Being that I was drunk, I didn't think about what I was doing. I looked up into his eyes.

if you're uncomfortable with or don't want to read smut, skip this part*

Before I even knew what was happening, I was on his lap with my tongue down his throat. He didn't seem to mind it, he was grinding himself against my ass. I moaned and tugged at his hair. When I pulled away for air,

"My room?" He nodded and we stood up. Once we were in there, I was pushed down on the bed and he attached his lips to my neck. One of his hands undid the button on my pants while the other held my hair to the side. I moaned when he rubbed me through my boxers. He pulled his jeans and shirt off before throwing mine to the side as well. Soon, we were both naked and he was laying on top of me. I reached into my nightstand and took out a condom, handing it to him. He pulled away and rolled it on. I got up on all fours, moaning as he pushed into me. He started out slow, but sped up after a minute.

"Oh fuck. Harder." I whined. I moaned louder as he obeyed. He let out a groan as he went faster. I was moaning nonstop, but he seemed to be okay with it. He pulled out and flipped me onto my back. I wrapped my legs around Matt's waist and lifted my hips off the bed. I breathed heavily as I reached down, stroking myself with the pace of his thrusts. "Oh fuck Matt I'm- fuck!" I panted as be picked up his pace. I whined as I released in my hand. A minute or two later, he pulled out, taking off the condom, then tying it before throwing it away. I wiped my hand on the sheets, making a mental note to change them tomorrow, though I most likely won't remember.



I woke up staring at someone's back. At first, I thought it was Ash, but I quickly realized it wasn't when I didn't see the stars. I looked over the tattoos I could see, which were on his arms. It took a minute, but I did recognize them, they belonged to Matt Good. Why is he in my bed? I remember asking him to come over but... fuck. (Ha. Butt fuck:3) I smacked his shoulder. 

"Get up." I growled. He just groaned and rolled over. "No. Get the fuck up. Now!" I yelled angrily.

"What?" He whined. I ripped the covers off.

"Look." He whined again before he opened his eyes. It took a minute for him to realize what was going on. His eyes widened and he pulled the blanket up to cover himself.

"Andy, why am I in your bed? And more importantly, why the fuck am I naked?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe for the same damn reason there's a fucking condom in my garbage can!"

"We fucked!? But... I don't like guys?"

"Well apparently you do." I hissed. I slid my boxers on and stood up. I was pacing back and forth as I ran my hands through. What am I going to to do? How am I going to tell Ash? What if he dumps me? Oh my god I cant believe I fucking cheated on him. I don't even fucking want to have sex, so why did I? "Holy shit how am I gonna tell Ashley?" I mumbled and ran my hands over my face.

"Simple," Matt said. "You don't."

"I have to! I'd want to know if he cheated, so I have to tell him." He shrugged.

"The only people who know is us, why involve anyone else? It happened and now its over, was a one time thing, so we don't need to tell him." I sighed as I pulled on my lip ring. He has a point. I mean he won't find out if I don't tell him right? No one will know, so if I don't bring it up, it'll be like it never happened. I nodded slowly.

"You're right, I just won't tell him, but I swear if you say anything-"

"I won't." He gave me a serious look. "Now let's get rid of the evidence before he comes home."

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