"Miss ped-ig-rines home for pre-culiar children?" Theo says stopping on some words to figure out how to say them.

A/N: I absolutely love this movie. No joke.

"Yes it's only the best movie ever, the books are good too" I say

"I have never heard of this movie in my life"

"Your joking, like seriously, you've never watched it" I say astonished that he's never watched this movie.

"Yes honestly, me and Molly have only watched very few movies in our whole life. We mostly just read muggle books to entertain ourselves" he says looking at me.

"Well then I'm going to introduce you to my favourite movie, so buckle up" I say to him looking back at the TV

After a while of watching in dead silence Theo says "so they've gone to Wales is that even a real place anyway they gone there so Jake can meet his grandads old friends" he sounds really confused

"His grandad was born as a peculiar child, so he was sent to miss peregrine to live with other children like him. But he later left and had a family, he told his grandson Jake about his life there and all the children that lived there as-well, so when he died Jake decided to go to visit them but they live in a time loop so they never get older or die. They are stuck in 1914." I say

"god that's confusing" he says

"No it's not, you just have to pay attention" I say

We pause the movie when we hear people outside of the dorm.

"Who could it be?" Theo asks

"I have no clue, but it's probably Jake and Moll's" I say staring at the door.

Then someone walks through the door I can't see who cause Theo is blocking my view so I push him to move and then I see Molly and Jake.

"Oww what was that for" Theo asks me looking at me

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, you were in my way and I couldn't see who it was" I say back to him looking at him

"Umm what are you in my sisters bed" Jake asks as he is walking over to us.

"I put on Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children and then I found out Theo has never watched it so I told him to sit down and watch it with me" I say to Jake

"Yeah but he is still like in your bed" Jake says

"But we didn't do anything, we didn't cuddle or kiss so it's fine" I say glaring at my brother

"But still" he says

"Anyway have you got us food" I say

"Yep, Mattheo here's your cereal and Allie here is your Apple" Molly says while giving us our food.

While eating our breakfast I put the movie back on and see Theo's face getting more and more confused.

"But he was with the other people so he couldn't have killed the sheep" Theo says to me

"Yeah but he has no alibis, cause he left the two boys so no one knows where's he been, and the others can't come out as they are meant to be dead" I say to Theo.

"You have to watch this movie a couple times to understand everything" Jake says.

"Jake why are you sitting on the floor next to Theo" I ask

"So I can make sure nothing goes on between you two" he says

"Oh my days, if we were going to do anything we would of done it when you went for breakfast, but we didn't so why would we do anything with you in here" I say

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang