" Have you even once tried to get any help?" I asked and she sighed with a short nod.

"And ?"

"And it was all thrown back in my face so I stopped"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean ...I tried getting help from the teachers ,students and gosh even the principal but guess what I was told by that pig of a man" she said.

"What" I asked rubbing her shaking hands ,hoping it would help calm her down.

"That maybe I should try avoiding them more and actually make friends ,maybe then they'll stop picking on me." she replied and I stood up pacing back and forth in my room in deep thought.

It makes me think who else could this be happening to. Could there be other students being bullied this severely and asked for help but was shut down.

Was all this stemed from racism ?. There was only one way to find out. I went to inside my pocket and took my phone out ,ready to dial a number when my phone is knocked out of hand crashing straight to the floor.

"Are you insane ?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
" Who were you going to call?" she asked crossing her arm ,giving me the stink eye.

" My mother she's a lawyer " I said and she let out a exaggerated sigh.

"You shoved yourself right into my life so might as well you abide by my rules." she spoke pointing on my chest and I  crossed my arms too ,giving her a hard look.

"If I abide by your rules you'll be 6 feet under is that what you want" I seethed straining my neck to look down at her.

"What I want is to not drag you in my mess Kairo ,you don't deserve that shit " she said with a pained look.

"And you do ,G** sometimes I don't get you. " I mumbled to myself.

"And yet you still want me " she said with a cheeky smile as if there was something to be proud about.

" Let me see your bruises " I said knowing exactly the answer she would give me.


I picked her and threw her on the bed  tickling her into submission careful not to be too harsh and she finally gave in  taking off her hoodie ,showing me several dark bruises as I fought the urge to not show how horrified I was.

"The people that did this. Tell me their names?" I asked and she bit her lip in deep thought.

"I remember Wesley , victor ,molly , Robert and William especially him ....he hurt me more " she said the whole time I was staring at her abused body. Her abdomen and chest were littered with numerous scars and my jaw clenched tightly.

"Kairo..." she said and I looked up to see her reaching for my face but I averted my eyes elsewhere.

"Put your clothes on ,I'll show you around the house" I said.


Thursday arrived and I walked down the halls with my mother by my side as the kids made a pathway for us to walk through.

"Kairo honey, go to class I'll deal with this okay " mom said but I shook my head.

"No , he'll call for me anyways might as well I go with you " I said and she  nodded then knocked on his door.


"But that just isn't true. She's probably on drugs or something " William said making me stand from the chair.

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