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I couldn't sleep the whole night because of what happened yesterday. Just the thought of it made my body shiver. I could still remember those dark eyes staring through my soul.

Still in the daze of that horror, I reached my college. And the minute I saw Lisa, I told her everything that happened. She was shocked, to say the least.

"Oh god, Y/N. I'm so sorry. It's my fault. Because of me, you had to work an extra shift and had to take that route at night" She apologized. "What? No, Lisa. It's not your fault. I was just at a wrong place at the wrong time" I assured her. She nodded pressing her lips into a thin line.

"Still, I don't get why he let me go. Why would he free a person who saw him committing a crime?" I laid out my confusion. "Girl, just be glad that he did. And forget about it now. I'm happy that you are okay" She side-hugged me. And as she said, I decided to forget about it and gladly returned the hug.

"Okay, let's get to class now" She spoke breaking the hug. Picking up our bags, we went to our class.

It was Mrs.Lee's class who was my favorite professor. Because she wasn't like the other professors who were just after the money. She actually cared about her students.

As the class started, Mrs.Lee informed us that today we will be doing something outside of syllabus. "Okay class, since today is children's day, I thought we could have a fun exercise" Seeing our cringed reactions, Mrs.Lee continued,

"I know I know, you are not highschool students anymore. But let's go back to that time and live in our childhood. The time when we used to have honest dreams and some high wishes" We all agreed hesitantly.

"Okay. I want all of you to take a piece of paper and write down what you want from life" I instantly scoffed hearing that since I could write an entire book about I what I want from my life but couldn't get any of it in this lifetime.

"And please don't write iPhones, luxury cars or something silly like that" She chuckled as everyone started thinking about what they want.

Even though I had a thousand things that I wanted, I ended up writing....

"I want to feel safe

I want love, care and respect

I want to feel like I matter"

At the end of the period, Mrs.Lee asked us to submit that paper on her desk. As everyone moved to the table and placed their sheets, I couldn't bring myself to submit it. I don't know why. So I just rolled up that paper and threw it at the dustbin on my way out of my class.


Jungkook POV

I was in my study room at home, working on my business deal when someone knocked.

"Come in" I saw my guard walking in with a file in his hand. "Sir, the information you asked about the girl" he said handing me the file. I took it with curiosity and asked my guard to leave.

"So, your name is Y/N. Nice to meet you, honey" I mumbled going through it. Then I saw something that worried and raged me at the same time. Anyway, I had already made a decision.

"Think it's time to meet you again"


I was in my room studying when I heard a knock on my door. Opening it, I saw my adoptive mom standing with a huge smile on her face. Now that's a first.

"Are you busy, Y/N?" She asked softly flashing a huge smile. I was baffled by her behavior. Not once in my entire life has she been this nice to me, then what happened all of a sudden.

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