I | Never Have Aizawa as a Teacher

Start from the beginning

"The is kind of sudden, but put these on and go out into the field." I feel bad for whoever has to wear that uniform. He shivered.

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He made his way to the boy's locker room, choosing a locker next to Katsuki's. He was much more comfortable with him than he was with the people he didn't know. Besides, a view like that? How can I complain? He smiled. As he was opening the locker, a classmate came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hm?" He said, turning to the boy. He had blonde hair with a black bolt going through it. Let me guess, some type of electricity quirk? He thought, looking at the odd hairstyle. Did he dye that himself or what?

"This question might be a bit weird, but how do you sleep with that halo? Wouldn't it get in the way or be super uncomfortable?" He asked, confused. A few other kids turned to him, clearly wanting to know the answer to his question.

Akihiro smiled at the kid, not minding explaining his quirk. "Ah! That's simple actually!" He said. He grabbed onto the halo, taking it off his head and moving it to the side of him. It stayed midair, not moving from the spot he pushed it to.

"Woah!" Another kid said. The blonde kid reached out to touch it, recoiling his hand once he did.


"Yeah, sorry about that. It's literally made of light, tends to burn other people." Akihiro shrugged. "My halo is part of my quirk, but it's the one thing I can't destroy or recreate. I can even throw it across the room, but it comes back after a minute or two." As if to prove his point, the halo moved back onto his head in a flash, this time staying in place.

"Cool!" Another kid said. Akihiro nodded in thanks, liking the praise he was receiving. He had to admit, he had a good quirk. My ego's not quite as big as Katsu-chi's though. He thought, smiling at his friend who was pretending not to pay attention.

Eventually, he and the only boys got changed and headed onto the field as Aizawa had instructed. Akihiro was actually liking his classmates, something he hadn't expected. I can actually deal with these people.

He stood between Katsuki and a red-haired kid named Ejirou Kirishima. He had also learned the blonde kid's name was Denki Kaminari and he did in fact have an electricity quirk.

"A QUIRK ASSESSMENT?!" The class shouted simultaneously.

Akihiro was hardly surprised. Aizawa had a firm belief that the government's way of not allowing kids to use their quirks for physical assessments was total bullshit. He was right of course, some people just weren't born equal. A sad fact, but a true one.

Aizawa was busy explaining something to the group while the rest of the class asked random questions. The sun was right in his face and it was too early for this shit. He cringed, preparing for the physical torture he was about to endure.

"Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best for the softball throw?"

"67 meters."

Akihiro remembered his own, 62 meters. Katsuki wouldn't shut up about it for a whole day after. Well, I guess this'll be a competition for who has the best quirk then. The boy silently smirked and from the way Katsuki was glancing at him, he could tell the other teen had the same thought.

"Then try doing it with your quirk. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle." Katsuki walked up, stretching a bit. Of course, he's trying to put on a show. Always have to prove you're better than everyone else, huh Katsu-chi?

He wound his arm back, throwing the ball and using his quirk, sending the ball high into the air. "DIEEEEEE!!" The most annoying part about Katsuki is that he actually has the power the back up his ego. Akihiro frowned. Of course, he wanted his friend to succeed, but sometimes that boy really needed to get hit in the face with a chair. Repeatedly.

"Know your maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." Aizawa turned the small monitor towards the group.

705.2 meters huh? Guess I have quite the number to beat. He smiled, confident in his quirk.

"705 meters? Seriously?!"

"What's this? It looks fun!"

"We can use our quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course."

Oh god. Did someway say this looks fun?! That's it. We're screwed. This is going to be a million times harder now, huh?!

Aizawa's eyes narrowed at the class.

Yup. We're fucked.

"'It looks fun', huh?" Akihiro slumped over, already preparing for death.

"You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? Alright, whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." Akihiro quietly sighed, thankful that was the only 'punishment'.

He knew Aizawa, and that man would most certainly expel students, he did it all the time actually. But only if he really thought they had no potential. Even if someone came in last place, they just had to prove themselves and chances are they'll be just fine.

That old man has supported me for as long as I can remember. Hell! I was trained by him and Midnight! If he thought I had no potential he would've told me to get a more realistic dream. I'll be fine. He smirked, knowing he had this in the bag. Besides, there's no way I'm failing a little assessment.

"But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school this is too unfair!" A girl said. Akihiro sighed.

He had learned two things from his guardians.

1. Life sucks. Everything is unfair. The world is full of evil. Being a hero means getting your shit together and dealing with that, like it or not.

And 2. ...flirting 101. And maybe how to knock people out in under a minute... plus some decent knot tying skills. Okay, maybe more than two things.

"Natural disasters, accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time and place can't be predicted. Japan is covered in unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reversed those situations. If you're here to make friends, too bad. For the next three years, UA will do its best to give you one hardship after another." Akihiro tried his best not to groan out loud again. He wouldn't have signed up for this school if he knew it was going to be pure torture. Oh, who am I kidding, I would've anyway. But it would've been nice to know. Aizawa continued on with his lecture. "Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you got. Alright, demonstrations over. The real thing starts now."

You know, Aizawa may sound like his very soul had been sucked out of him but hey, at least he gave a somewhat motivational speech.

The group moved to a different part of the field and Akihiro spotted a familiar head of green hair.


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