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Iiko sat on her bed, holding her son for the first time. The small child cooed and reached out for her, patting his hand against her nose. She laughed and reached her finger toward him. He latched onto it, pulling it close to him.

Aside from the two of them, the room was devoid of life. It was bare and dark with minimal decoration. The two people were illuminated by the soft glow of a halo above Iiko's head. Her hair was short then, the choppy white locks reflecting the golden-yellow of her quirk. The child marveled at it, his small gold eyes reflecting her own. The relation between the two was clear. He shared her eyes and her white hair color as shown by the small whisps on his head. But there were subtle differences. All things he got from his father, like his face shape or tanned skin tone.

He attempted to bring the woman's finger to his mouth, biting down on it with only his gums. She laughed at his attempt and he laughed as well, unsure what was so funny.

"Your father would just love this." She whispered. The child's continued attempts to chew her finger were in vain, but he laughed all the same. "He'll be there when we get home tomorrow, huh Akihiro?" The baby glanced up at the sound of his name, not yet understanding his meaning. Iiko only laughed, gripping the child tight. "But for now, it's just us."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

The news was on in Iiko's living room, broadcasting the most recent news as her small son played in a closed-off area in front of her. Akihiro was barely crawling, still too young to understand much of anything.

But Iiko was glued to the screen. More specifically, a recent news story. The pro hero was gripping a pillow tightly, letting tears fall down her face.

"Today, the infamous villain, was struck down by a team of pro heroes lead by Japan's own Symbol of Peace, All Might. Some say the death of Chaos, nicknamed the "#1 Villain" is a good thing for all of Japan, while others question why heroes, the people meant to protect us, were willing to kill. More on this story next."


She was all alone now. She'd have to raise Akihiro with no support. She was already imagining years later when she'd have to explain where his father was. She'd have to explain who his father was. A villain who cared for no one. No one but her.

She hesitantly grabbed her phone, selecting a contact with only a moon as the name.

"Nemuri?" She said, trying not to let her voice crack.

There was loud banging in the background and a collection of shouting voice. Iiko was far too distracted to notice though.

"Iiko. I saw the news." She could hear the woman on the other end of the line struggling. She had no idea what to say. It sounded like she was out of breath, Iiko could hear the ragged breaths her friend was taking.

"I need your help." 

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

A three-year-old Akihiro ran throughout his mother's mansion. After retiring from her job as a pro hero, letting go of her spot as the #2 hero, Iiko decided to buy a large house away from most people with her close friend, Nemuri Kayama. Nemuri had moved in with her, helping her to take care of her young son.

Angel (bnha x male oc)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat