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December 12th
Christmas was getting closer and hogwarts had been all decorated and the great hall was fake snowing.
Draco and I had been spending more time together as we needed to mend the cabinet.

I had gotten a small baby bump now and Draco often spoke to my stomach, only in private of course so nobody found out. I didn't think that was much use tho as my belly would continue to grow and people would surely notice.

Professor Slughorns party was tomorrow and I had asked Draco to go with me, as friends. He wasn't invited to the dinner tonight so I was alone for that.

I finished my classes for the day I had potions, herbology, charms and transfiguration. I decided I should start getting ready to go as it was 4:30 and the dinner started at 5:15.
I put on a satin green dress, white heels and the necklace Draco gave me. I curled my hair and did my makeup and was ready to go by 5:07

 I curled my hair and did my makeup and was ready to go by 5:07

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I put my wand in my bag just in case and left for the dinner. I got a few looks from some people who were looking me up and down but I just ignored them and gave them a death stare.

I arrived at the party and was sitting next to Harry and Blaise as slughorn went round the table asking each person what their parents did, I was busy thinking of something as I couldn't say my father was the most know dark wizzard of all time. "Miss y/n what is it that your parents do?" He questioned "well I never knew my mother and my father doesn't work, me and my brothers are provided for by his closest friends" Harry didn't seem to buy my story and was giving me looks all evening.

After the party slughorn asked me and Harry to stay behind for a moment, "you know miss y/n you have the same spark as a boy I knew many many years ago" I knew he was talking about my father but didn't say anything.

I left as he began talking to Harry about random things and started walking towards the dungeons, "y/n wait!" I turned around to see Harry Potter running up to me" "what do you want potter" I snapped "I have a question for you" " go on then spit it out" "what is you and your brothers real last name?" Fuck what does he know why is he asking that, " your going to tell me the truth because whilst you were talking to Blaise I slipped veritasirum into your drink" he did what now. "Riddle" I said quickly and quietly "what was that?" "Tom, Mattheo and y/n riddle" I said again. I quickly realised what I had done and got my wand out and pointed it at him "obliviate" I only erased the memory of the last 5 minutes and ran off to my dorm.

When I got there Draco was inside, "Draco?"
He stood up and came over to me he took my hands "y/n we've been spending more time together lately and I was wondering if you had forgiven me yet?" "You know what I think I have"
He smiled and planted a long passionate kiss on my lips.
He began moving his hands to my back to undo my dress zip and I lifted his shirt off stroking his abs. He pulled dress over my head and knelt down kissing my little bump before coming back up and kissing me on the lips. He carried me onto the bed kissing down my stomach as he pulled my panties down and pulled down his own. He came back up and unclipped my bra taking in my boobs as the pregnancy had made them grow. "Do you want to do this?" He asked "yes".
He parted my legs and inserted himself talking a reasonable pace before he sped up making me a moaning mess, he squeezed my breasts as the thrusted into me. He began to get sloppier and I felt him release inside me before pulling out and laying next to me.
He grabbed one of my blankets coving us both and spooning me as we both drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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