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1st December

We found the cabinet finally and decided to use a green apple to see what was wrong. We shut it in and once it clicked it came back perfectly fine. Ugh. "One of us should go in and see what's stopping it" Draco suggested, I agreed and stepped inside, he shut the door and I felt it pulling me until I hit a wall. That must be the problem someone must have wanted to passage to be broken so built up a wall. But now we had to find a way to bring it down. It pulled me back once again and so I explained what was wrong to Draco and we agreed to both do research on how to destroy a wall that isn't physically a wall, just a blockage in a magical passageway.
"I'm going to the library to try and find a book on it"-Draco "ok I'm going to find Mattheo"

I made my may down to the dungeons and entered the common room walking up to his dorm. I tried the door and it was open so I let myself in as he did to mine. It was dark and quiet so I turned the light on and saw Mattheo asleep in his bed naked along with a naked Arabel. Oh my god he's banging one of my best friends. One of my best friends is banging my brother. Such bad timing I can't deal with this now. I left quickly and left the castle laying down in the snowy grass between Hagrid's hug and the castle, I shut my eyes an felt the icy breeze on my cheeks. I lay there for a few minutes before
"Oh y/n hello" my eyes opened and they met with Harry Potters obviously on his way to Hagrid's.
"Are you ok y/n?" "Yes I'm fine now fuck off" he looked a bit shocked as he was only nice to me and I felt a tiny bit bad so I yelled "sorry bad day"
He turned round and smiled "it's alright, by the way are you going to slughorns party?" I was, he said it was because I was good at potions but I knew he saw my father in me even tho he couldn't think of who it was I was alike to. "Yes I am why?" "Just curious because I am" " oh right see you there then" "yep" he left and continued to Hagrid's hut and I decided to get up and make my way to dinner.

Theo, Tom and Mattheo were the only ones there so far so I decided to sit with Theo and give Mattheo death stares. "What's your problem?" Mattheo questioned "oh I don't know maybe when I came to your dorm I found you naked in bed with one of my best friends!" He went bright red "you what?" "Yeah I know Mattheo" "y/n I'm really sorry but she's just so pretty and I think I like her" "Mattheo I don't care that you like her I care that neither of you said anything to me, how long has this been going on?" "Only a few weeks" like that was any better. I rolled my eyes at him and saw pansy coming over.

"Good pansy I need you to come somewhere with me after dinner" "oh alright where are we going"
"Check on the pear" I said with s smile at her and she said "omg yay I haven't seen the pear yet!"
"Well it might have changed from a pear by Now!" Theo and Tom just gave us the biggest confused face and we just laughed at them.

Dinner finished and we went up to the infirmary. Madame pomfrey was in there with the Hufflepuff keeper, he had taken a bludger to the head earlier and apparently had to stay overnight so I said I'd come back tomorrow for my scan.

It was Saturday tomorrow and There was a quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor, those matches were always brutal almost always someone ended up in the hospital wing. Mattheo and Theo were beaters, Logan was keeper and captain and Draco was still seeker.

The next day

Me pansy Arabel and Tom were in the Slytherin stands watching the quidditch game, we were winning but not by a lot. Draco seemed to have spotted the snitch and was battling with Harry to get it. It was going going so well until Harry shoved Draco into the ravenclaw tower and I heard the beams breaking as he rolled out the bottom unconscious. He was brought straight to the hospital wing and me and pansy went to see him. We were told he was now awake, "y/n! Pansy!" "How are you feeling?" I asked slightly scared for the response, "I'm ok just a bit achey now" he shrugged, Madame pomfrey came over "miss y/n seeing as your here should we do your ultrasound instead of tonight?" Fuck. She had just let loose to Draco, he had a slightly confused look until he realised. It's not Madame pomfreys fault she didn't know that he didn't know. "Um yes ok let's do it now" I said. She brought me over to the bed next to Draco and went to get the things she needed. "Y/n.." Draco started "your pregnant aren't you". I just nodded at him not daring to look him in the eyes, "is it mine?" "Of course it is Draco!" I snapped "sorry just asking, how long have you known" "about a month" I admitted. "And you didn't tell me!?" He looked slightly pissed off, "no Draco I didn't because when I came to tell you, you were banging Astoria" " it's not my fault she gave me a love potion!" " I know that but it still hurt to see it"

Madame pomfrey came back with the gel and equipment, she lifted my top again and placed the cool gel onto my abdomen and began checking the baby, I could see the screen this time and I caught Draco trying to see as well, Madame pomfrey turned to screen to him and his face lit up. "Baby is looking healthy and is about the size of a pomegranate". I smiled at her and she gave me some tissues to wipe the gell off.

"I'm guessing your keeping it?" Draco asked
"Yes" "I will stand by you but how are we going to raise a baby? We're still in school!" "I know that's why I'm talking to professor McGonagall in an hour to discuss what to do" " oh alright can I come with you" " I mean if you want to" he nodded and we were both discharged from the infirmary.

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