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We were all sitting at breakfast discussing what we had lesson wise. "Pans what do you have?" I asked taking a bite of my breakfast,
"Herbology" she replied with a sarcastic sob
"Ugh same, sit with me?" "Of course".
Blaise and Arabel were talking about how they had charms and then care of magical creatures, "you have care of magical creatures second?" I interrupted "yes do you?" Arabel asked "yeah so do Draco Mattheo, Logan pansy and me!" I said with a smile "great we can all go together then!" Arabel exclaimed.

I Finnished my first breakfast of the year and set of for herbology with pansy. We went the long way obviously. We got there just over 5 minutes late interrupting one of Hermione grangers know it all moments I rolled my eyes at her as professor sprout came over to us "what time do you call this!?" She barker at us. "9:45" I replied with a grin "if that's the way your going to be you can have an hours detention with me today, both of you"  "whatever" pansy said rolling her eyes and scoffing. We stood at the back in front of some ugly looking plants. They looked like balls of hair and smelt like burn fish. I reached into my bag pulling out my perfume spraying the plant while covering my nose from the barbaric smell.
"Your going to kill that plant you know" Hermione said to me like a pick me prat. Fucking hell that girl is annoying. "Good it bloody deserves it it fucking reeks" I snapped back
"I see you don't care for the environment" she said to me and pansy tilting her nose up and crossing her arms
"Actually I care a great deal because I'd not share my air with you" pansy replied "dirty mudblood" I added with a chuckle. She ran out the room crying and me and pansy burst out laughing.
Harry and Ron shot us death stares and we both stuck out middle fingers up at them, quickly putting them down giggling as professor sprout turned to see what was going on.

Class ended and as we left we burst out laughing again as we walked to care of magical creatures. We bumped into the others on the way who asked why we were laughing so much so we explained what happened and they joined in laughing and we continued walking to the lesson.

We walked all the way to hagrids hut only for him to send us back up to the castle to some courtyard. Once we were there he revealed a cage full of some very weird creatures that looked like a cross between a duck and a hedgehog as it was round with spikes but had a beak and pointed soft bum like a duck.

Hagrid got us all to line up as he wanted us all to take a turn at feeding it a dead mouse. Bloody disgusting. I made pansy and blaise go first as they were the closest to me in the line. They both fed the creatures and I was last to go, all the other students had formed a crowd behind me with Draco and Theo at the front.
"Alrighty y/n come get your dead mouse" hagrid said calling me over. I made a disgusted face and took the mouse in my hand holding it by the tail. I edged closer to the creature keeping a reasonable distance when Draco shouted "Gowan y/n give it the bloody mouse don't be shy" " piss off!" I yelled back as I bent over and dropped the mouse in its mouth when I heard a bunch of boys whistling. Shit. I forgot I hadn't put shorts under my skirt today and I had just flashed my class.
I turned round to see Draco, Theo and Blaise laughing their heads of while other people were blowing kisses at me and licking their lips. Bloody pervs. I shook it off and said to the other boys " enjoy the view boys just about all you'll ever see in your lifetime" . Draco, Logan and Theo started yelling 'ooohhhh' and I slapped them on the back of their heads as Logan playfully slapped my ass, " nice ass baby girl" he said idiotically "shove of" I called giving him
Another hard slap on the head. I laughed as he rubbed the back of his head as we walked to our next lessons. Bloody divination waste of flipping time, at least I was with Logan and Arabel. We all sat at the same table and I immediately put my head down facing Logan. That's the last thing I remember before Logan shoving me awake yelling at me to wake up. " what the pissing he'll do you want!?" I grumbled " come on lunch time sleepy head" he said dragging me out of the lesson to the great hall. Wanker.

A/N hope you like the story so far I am planning some plot twists soon so keep reading to find out!

Kisses <3

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