Chapter 3: Awkwardness and memories

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"What of my son and Ana? Are they alright?" Harry asked before she could fully disappear. It made the pirate pause at the threshold; her lean hand extended on the ladder. She did not meet his eyes because she did not want to give anything away.

"Get bathed. They are well enough for now. Don't make the mistake of thinking that won't change if you misbehave." She warned, irritation clearly wanning on her sleep deprived body. Less than two hours was not enough sleep for anyone, but she never got more than a few anyhow.

"As you command, Captain Isolde." Harry bowed slightly, letting Louis guide him toward the ladder. He followed without incident.

Eboninea reached the second level of her ship first. It allowed for her to extend her hand down to offer help. Harry didn't hesitate. He was still gaining his balance.

Louis followed up behind.

Harry let his eyes roam over the area. His body alert and mesmerized at the area in front of him. He hadn't noticed how big exactly The Tenerife Sea was, but it was ten times larger than the small merchant ship he captained. His position of first mate to The Juliet all felt insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The Tenerife Sea was as grand as the stories he had heard.

Eboninea took in his reaction with a smirk.

"She is as beautiful as she is dangerous, Master Styles. A grand vessel for as fitting a mistress, yes?" She goaded, laughing gleefully when he stood silent.

Ascending from the large storage area below where the animals were kept; once they climbed the ladder to the second floor it held a special beauty to it, he had only ever heard described in stories.

The seawater smelled as fresh as it had on deck made more predominate from the open flaps where the cannons say. They were ready for battle, each port laid twelve perfectly leveled squares on either side; a total of 24 canons ready to fire at will. Beside them laid cannon balls; a little bit aways, a table centered perfectly was where the pirates would lay their cutlasses, knives, swords and other various types of weapons. At the present, they had them on their person, leaving only a few long swords for use.

Louis cleared his throat, laying his hand atop Harry's shoulder.

"The bath is over here. I will be down here the whole time; so, please get any ideas of mutiny from that head of yers." He warned, noticing Eboninea still stared. It was a longing stare, but one the first in command recognized all too well.

"I'm not," Harry assured sharply. "No mutiny. You've my son and his nursemaid; my crew...everyone I should ever care about." He hung his head downward, his hands going to his long coat, his fingers swiftly undoing the buttons. It had kept him warm during early morning. He was thankful.

Louis cleared his throat again, this time directing toward his captain.

"My lady?" Louis called, noticing she had gone to another time herself. It was often he would catch her eyes lulling off to somewhere else. He knew it well, but he didn't think Harry wanted the captain pirate watching him undress to his personals.

She continued to stare, her eyes contracting slightly. Louis reached over, his hand gently falling over her cheek.

That snapped her from her thoughts, realizing Harry was beginning to remove his button-down. She turned around briskly, a small blush settling onto her cheek.

"Apologies, Master Styles. I've little sleep these past few fortnights. It seems to be interfering with certain things." She turned, beginning to walk away towards the brigs, stopping suddenly with her thoughts. "Tomlinson? When he is dressed, take him to the brig. Let him see that his crew is indeed well. Escort him afterward to my quarters. We will be waiting." She ordered; storming off then.

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