Chapter 1: Studying In a Foreign Country

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After studying computer science in my country and not being satisfied and also not being able to get a job, I started working online; writing, translating etc.

I got interested in work movies, k-dramas, and watched horror movies the more. And then I got to watch an interesting law movie. I loved it a lot and searched for law movies, then I found 2 other great law movies and it sparked my interest in studying law.

I thought about it for three months and made up my mind that I was going to study criminal law. I spent days researching on fully-funded scholarships and schools I could study law in---in my dream city; New York.

And when the admissions time came, I applied and waited for 3 weeks to get the result. And during the wait I applied for a scholarship. Then on one blessed morning, I woke up to a congratulations mail on my phone... I got accepted to Queens College, CUNY. I was so happy but I didn't tell anyone about it, and, after another 1-2 weeks I got a scholarship offer mail. I screamed out in joy, I was crazily happy and ran to the sitting room to inform my family.

They were happy but not so happy, because their daughter was going to a country where she had no family member or friend. But I wasn't even bothered, I could not wait to leave for New York. After 3 months of preparation and expectation, it was time to leave. My family took me to the airport and stayed with me till it was time to get on the plane. I bade them farewell and with tears and joy in my eyes, l left without looking back.

When got into the plane it felt magical, scary, and awesome at the same time as it was my first time on an airplane. Soon, it was time to take off... the pilot had announced. I followed all the rules and closed my eyes tightly and prayed for a safe journey. I looked to the seat next to me, it was empty but it felt like my guardian angel was sitting next me. We took off and I almost screamed. A few minutes later... " Is this your first time?" Someone asked, it was a stewardess who bent over looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Yes, it is" I answered... tightly holding my chest, and, trying to smile in between.

"You'll be fine dear, it's normal. Have a nice flight" she said and smiled as she walked away.

"Thank you, and you too" I replied.

After 11 hours of flying non-stop, I reached my destination. Alighting from the plane I fel--- I felt like a whole nother person, and my joy knew no bounds.

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