Chapter 5

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Gulf had been living in his small apartment for just a few months, but already he was behind on his rent. Despite his best efforts, he had fallen further and further behind on his payments, and he knew that his landlord had been growing increasingly frustrated. Today was the day he had promised to make a payment, but he had nothing to show for it.

As Gulf opened the door to his apartment, he was greeted by an unexpected sight. His landlord was standing in the living room, arms crossed, a stern expression on his face. Gulf knew immediately what this meant. He had failed to keep his promise.

"Maam I'm sorry but---

"it seems you don't have money today," The landlady said. 

Gulf sighs deeply and closes his eyes before looking at her. 

"Yes, it is true. I'm sorry, I don't have money today," he said. He knew his landlord wasn't going to be happy with this answer, but he had no other choice.

Gulf knew he was in a tight spot. His rent was due and he was already behind on other bills. He had been working hard, but the job market had been slow. He had even gone so far as to borrow money from his parents, but it still wasn't enough.

The landlord sighed and shook her head. 

''I'm sorry, Gulf. I know you've been trying hard, but I can't keep letting you get away with not paying your rent. I'm going to have to give you an eviction notice.''

Gulf's heart sank. He was already feeling embarrassed about his situation, but now he felt like a complete failure. He had worked so hard and it seemed like nothing was ever going to turn out right.

He tried to explain the situation to his landlord and he was sure he would be able to make the payment soon. But the landlord was unsympathetic. He had heard similar stories before, and he was not willing to wait any longer.

Gulf knew he had no choice but to accept his fate and start packing his things. As he gathered his belongings, he could see the disappointment in his landlord's eyes. It was a look he would never forget.

After a few minutes, Gulf was ready to leave. He wished he had been able to keep his promise, but it was too late now. He thanked his landlord for his patience, and then he stepped out into the street, not sure where he would go next.

Gulf sat on the sidewalk outside the bus stop, his two luggage bags next to him. He had been kicked out of his apartment by the landlord because he couldn't pay rent. He was desperate. He tried calling his coworker, Pond, but he didn't answer. He was out of options and had no idea what to do.

He started to drift off to sleep when a stranger approached him.

"What are you doing here young man?" The man asked if he needed help. 

"Just a little problem, I got kicked out of my apartment," Gulf told him his story and the man offered to give him a place to stay.

Gulf was skeptical at first, but he was in desperate need of a place to stay. 

"Are you sure, you know I'm fine here ill just wait my friend" I replied, but he refused and convince me to stay at his home. 

"My name is Kilian and you are?" 

"Gulf" Gulf answers. 

He thanked Kilian and followed him to his home. It was a much nicer place than he expected; Kilian had a wife and two children.

Gulf was welcomed with open arms and a warm meal. Kilian and his wife explained that they had gone through a similar situation a few years back and wanted to help someone in need.

Gulf was overwhelmed with emotion. He had gone from being homeless and hopeless to having a roof over his head. He thanked the couple for their kindness and vowed to pay them back one day.

"Are you sure your okay to sleep here on the couch?" Kilian wife asked him. 

"I'm fine here, I never really encountered kind of people but you two are super kind thank you for letting me in," Gulf said and Kilian's wife smiled at her. 

"Called me Vanesa, my husband is kind he helps many people including a boy who was involved in a car accident. 

Gulf was surprised by what Vanesa said and Gulf got the idea to ask her about the boy who survive. 

"Who is a boy?" Gulf asked her. 

"Well, my husband was a retired doctor, and one of his patients this boy who survive, I can't remember his name but I have his picture with my husband." Vanesa went to her room gulf waited for her, he wished that it must be the way he will find that boy. 

"here, this is the picture of my husband and this boy" She pointed to the boy in the picture. 

Gulf got now a picture but he doesn't still where this boy lives. 

"You know where he is now?" 

"Vanesa you did it again," Kilian said to his wife. 

"Kilian I just wanted to share with him how you help people," Vanesa said and Gulf smiled at them. 

"You wanted to meet him?" 

"Yes, if that's okay with you?" 

"I talked to him and we will meet tomorrow at his restaurant" 


"Yes he's a chef his name is Mew suppasit" 

Gulf was dismayed and can't speak for all the days he was finding this boy the answer was on his side. 

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