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Chapter Twenty-Two

I blink once and my home and my mother fades away,and I'm staring at the bright lights of the infirmary again.

My cheeks are wet from the nightmare.It seemed so real.My mother's face is still in the back of my mind.

"Impossible.Only an hour passed,"I hear a voice mutter,then a guard comes into my view.He's holding another syringe.My instincts kick in and I sit up and make a mad grab for the syringe.

I don't remember myself punching the guard,but I feel it.The sudden movement cramps up my hand muscles and I wince as pain branches up my arm.At least the guard is unconscious now.

I look at my left arm and check my bullet wound.As far as I know,they've taken out the bullet.Now my arm is enveloped in a white cast and I can't move it much.

It seems like the Ascendancy thinks I'm not 'worthy' of any security.As I open the door and run out,no alarms sound and no guards come at me.

As I turn a corner,I hear Brian and Evangeline talking from inside a room.My stomach does a flip and I dart into a corner and press myself tightly against the wall.I know this is childish but I have no other choice as all the other rooms are either locked or have a chance of killing me.Some are both.

Their steps match my heartbeat;quick and persistent.They're getting closer.

I squeeze my eyes shut like I did before Diana's execution:the thought makes my heart ache again.At the back of my mind I can still see her,with her easy smile and forever curious eyes.I don't want to remember her as the Diana who's nothing but ash in the incinerator now.My eyes sting with tears and I wipe them furiously away.Now's not the time to grief.Diana wouldn't want me to.

Then Evangeline and Brian walk by.I curse under my breath as Evangeline calls for guards to catch me again.I try to make a run for it,just for a foolish hope that I can escape.I know I can't.

"We'll move the questioning to today,"Brian says to me once I've been secured by about ten guards again.He smirks and fixes his tie."Then you'll be left in your cell to die."

It's like déjà vu.I find myself walking down the same hallways,just that this time I turn lefts instead of rights and reach the only door painted black in the entire building:the questioning room.

I leave my mind blank as I'm led inside.My shoes click against the wooden floors and my arms are attached to several wires as I sit down on the metal chair.After I die,what will happen?Will my mom ever know?Will my friends ever know?

Then I think no,my impact on this world isn't that big.No one will find out.No one will grieve.

I chew on the inside of my gum a little.If Cassandra or Ian knew what I was thinking,they would give me the same disapproving looks.And the same answer:Don't be stupid.

I smile,imagining them to be right in front of me now.If-when-I die,I will have this thought in my head.Then it wouldn't be in vain.

Brian sits down opposite me,and Evangeline is standing behind him,examining her perfectly manicured nails.These are the times where I wonder how on Earth no one has suspected she was never an instructor for Project Infinity,but a spy of the Ascendancy...bastards.

Brian shuffles a few papers he has in hand,and begins.

"Where is Project Infinity's headquarters?"

From this,I can visibly see Evangeline's jaw clench.How come she has never told Brian?

"Didn't Evangeline tell you already?"I say and raise an eyebrow at her.She glares back.

"She did.I need to confirm with you,though."He answers smoothly,handing me a map.Realisation strikes me.He must not trust Evangeline.I can put that to good use.

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