Chapter 4

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a little angst in this chapter maybe?

anyways, here's chapter 4

tw: panic attack maybe?

"Lev, here's your bowl of rice,"

"Thwanks" Lev said as his mouth was stuffed with meat. Shiriba then came in and sat down.

"Where's Kuroo?" Yaku asked.

"Oh I don't know, someone was talking to him," Shiriba answered as he glared at Kenma. Kenma didn't return to his gaze and continued to poke his meat with his chopsticks.

"Oh, he's back," Yaku pointed at Kuroo, who sat down and ate without speaking.

"Aye Kuroo san? Are you ok?—"
Yamamoto asked.

"Don't talk to me."

Yamamoto stared," What but-"

"Do I need to repeat again?" Kuroo glared at Yamamoto, putting down his chopsticks.

Yamamoto blinked and turned back to eat his meal.

After the training camp, even during their normal practises, Kuroo barely speak or did his usual Kuroo moves. The members, even coaches were afraid and curious of what happened. Of course only Kenma knew what happened.

"Maybe I should apologise to him...I was a bit rude that day anyway.." Kenma thought as he looked at Kuroo spiking the ball as hard as he could.

Kenma's pov

I folded the towels neatly and placed them on the benches. I looked around to see only Kuroo senpai was there, well, it's 6 in the morning and it's a Friday. No members will be in the sports centre.

"Um, Kuroo senpai?"

Kuroo didn't reply to me, he just kept on tidying the storage room. I took a deep breath and went to the storage room.

"Kuroo senpai, I'm really sorry for what happened at training camp. I didn't mean to be so rude and-"

"Give me a moment."

I stopped and stared at his back. The lights were off so I couldn't see his body very clearly.

"Is there something wrong?" I said as he stood up.

"Kenma, you know, something can't be changed just by an apology," Kuroo stared at me, though I couldn't see his face.

"If you want to fix our relationship, you should have thought of the consequences before you speak.

"I'm a human too, I have emotions and feelings, so just give me some time, ok? I promise we'll talk after a while," Kuroo smiled, though I thought he was angry, his eyes were showing tenderness. My face turned red due to embarrassment.

"Ok, I'm just really sorry," I said as I left the sports centre.

Kuroo's pov

I watched as Kenma left the court.

" I a bit too harsh to him? I didn't want to hurt his feelings..." I covered my face as I squat down.

"Let's not think about it for a while," I thought as I continued to tidy the things in the storage room.

Third person pov

During practices, though Kuroo and Kenma didn't talk or interact, the tension between them was less than before.

"Hey Kuroo, you seem much better today, what happened?" Yaku asked as he were taking a break.

"Oh, I, kind of solved the problem," Kuroo answered as he looked so slightly at Kenma. Shiriba frowned, noticing the captain's eyes.

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