Superhuman Reflexes: As a Godslayer Jaune has inhuman, beast like instincts allowing him to react quickly to threats.

Godlike Durability: True Godslayer's bones are harder than the hardest steel In the Multiverse. His skin and muscles are also tougher than a normal human's. He can handle a fall from The Distance from Two Planets with no discomfort.

Night Vision: Jaune's eyes can see in the dark better than any nocturnal animal.

Instinct: Jaune possess extremely sharp instincts, with Doni remarking that his instincts are sharp even amongst Godslayers. 

Brilliant Tactician: Jaune is talented in planning any sort of tactics during the fight, he won't averse to any kind of underhand or inelegant tactics. He's also a quick thinker capable of come up with any comebacks in any disadvantageous situation.

Powers Gains From True Kill Shiva

Incantation I am Destruction , Destruction is me. I who Govern Destruction am the one Who decides the Fate of my enemies .

Destroyer Deity Physiology: This Ability Gives Jaune the power ,to reshape everything, gaining immense power to destroy anything and everything, even divine beings. He can destroy planets, star systems and even Multiple universes in an instant. As a God of Destruction.

Destruction Embodiment: Jaune is the physical manifestation or personification of destruction, and gain the ability to bring destruction wherever he go: everything breaks, cracks, crushed, disintegrates, explodes or implodes into nothingness and oblivion. Yet, for the sake of those who are in his presence, he greatly controls his destructive presence, so that they will never perish despite being in his presence.

Absolute Condition: For example, Jaune with his destructive strength, he could lift the universe or punch so hard that it can distort reality. With his unpredictable intellect, cunning wits, and divine wisdom, he could outsmart the smartest cosmic beings effortlessly. His absolute condition also includes other attributes of existence such as immortality, invulnerability, regeneration, life-force and potential, making him truly supreme in every aspect of existence.

Immeasurable Strength: His strength is so great that, when is young he kick a large asteroid so hard, that it smashed on Earth, and killed the dinosaurs that give way to their extinction. He is also powerful enough to generate large spheres and destructive energy blasts, that are powerful enough to destroy the Multiverses.

Destruction: Being the primordial god of destruction and the one that governs the reshaping of the universe, he can utterly destroy things. Depending on Jaune, this could be anything and everything from small objects to entire galaxies or Multiverses and possibly even abstract concepts and/or natural forces/laws.

Absolute Destruction: He has the authority to destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.

Destruction Empowerment: He draws strength from destruction, so his beyond strength and supernaturally godly powers came from destruction itself. So it makes him more powerful, durable, and even unlock potentials that can empowers or allows him to overcome odds, beyond comprehension.

Hakai-Ergo kinesis: As the Campione of the true god of destruction, he has the power to manipulate, generate, and shaped destructive energies, capable of annihilating and/or erasing one's existence without a single trace. Due to possessing immeasurable power, and quite more powerful than the other two true gods, Brahma and Vishnu, Jaune can convert his divine energy, into more of a destructive force. His skills over it is so vastly superior than any war gods or chief deities, that his destructive power Surpasses actual primordial of destruction. A small sphere of his destructive energy is more than enough to wipe out large Universes without a single trace.

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