Start from the beginning

"Good," Charles said in response.

The distinct Ferrari emblem and his number 16 were boldly displayed across the back and on my breast, the jacket itself was far too big for me, drowning my frame, but I had no energy fighting with Charles.

With a frustrated huff, I adjusted the sleeves as best as I could, attempting to make it somewhat presentable with my black dress.

"Happy now?" I grumbled, glaring at my older brother.

He nodded, a satisfied smile tugged at his lips, "Much better."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. Charles had always been overprotective; ever since I was born him and Lorenzo acted like it was their personal life mission to keep me away from anything that might scratch, burn, bite or even slightly hurt me, but ever since our dad died, Charles started treating me like I am a fragile doll, like every little thing can break me. He was not seeing the independent woman I had become.

"Look," I began, my tone softer. "I know you care about me, and you worry about me, but I am not a little girl anymore."

"But you'll always be my little sister."

Charles rolled his eyes at my statement, but he dropped his arm and reached out to fix the collars of his jacket on me and to pull up the zipper some more, "I know," He said softly. "Sorry for being overbearing sometimes."

I covered my hands over his, stopping him from pulling the zipper all the way up, "I promise I will give you a call if I need you. Can I go now?"

With a nod, Charles stepped aside, allowing me to make my way to the door. As I walked past him, I paused and gave him a quick hug,

"You know," I said playfully. "This jacket might just grow on me. Who knows, maybe I'll become a Ferrari fangirl someday."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You already are a Ferrari fan. Both your brothers drive for either the Scuderia or their academy."

I smirked, and looked him up and down before meeting his eyes again, I knew just how to pull the string on him, "But Pierre doesn't."

As I turned to leave, Charles grabbed my wrist gently; his eyes warned me before his words did, "One more thing," He said, his voice laced with protectiveness. "No talking to drivers, especially no talking to my best friend."

"I'm just teasing you, Charles. Obviously, I am your number one fan."

"Call me if you need a ride home." Charles closed his door while shaking his head. But I saw the smile on his lips.

»»———— ★ ————-««

Melony and Mia were already waiting in front of the club when I arrived, 15 minutes too late. Thanks to Charles.

When I left Charles' apartment building, I slipped out of Charles' jacket and hung it loosely over my shoulders. My friends nudged each other when they saw the piece of clothing hanging around my shoulders.

"Please, just leave it," I said when I hugged them one by one. "Charles wasn't planning on letting me leave without it."

"The red suits with the black of your outfit, though," Melony said, taking me in front head to toe.

"If it were up to him, I'd be covered in all of his clothes. I had to actually wear it when I stood in front of him," I chuckled. "I took it off as soon as I left the building, but it is keeping me warm, so I'll just keep it around my shoulders."

"It does carry the Ferrari name," Mia laughed.

"Leclerc carries the Ferrari name," I sighed in response but winked at her playfully, as one of the Leclerc's gifted with actual wink-capacities. "And as if it isn't bad enough already that most people only know me for being their sister, this jacket was forced onto me."

I Dare You, I Bet I Can - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now