Stop Ignoring Me!

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Leo scowled as he sunk into the couch.

His family had been ignoring him all week! He didn't understand why either. 

Normally, when he does something that gets them this worked up, he knows what it is and can apologize when he finally realizes that it was wrong. But even now, as he wracks his brain, nothing comes to mind.


Okay, so maybe sacrificing yourself to save the Earth may make some people mad, but they won't even listen to him when he tries to explain himself! And to top it all off, they all left today without telling them.

He remembered waking up after a long night of trying to figure out what was wrong with his family, only to discover the lair was empty. He tried to call them, but something was wrong with his phone. He'd probably ask Donnie to fix it when they made up. So, he simply sat in the living room, waiting for them to return.

— —

He may have gotten a bit distracted and missed everyone returning. In his defense, sitting down for hours doing nothing was quite boring. So, after a while, he went and started messing with Donnie's stuff as any good twin would do. He only realized they were back when he heard someone stomping around.

Quickly exiting Donnie's lab to avoid his twin catching him snooping, he made his way to the main area. He was about to march right up to his father and demand to know what he did wrong when a sob cut off his train of thought. Snatching his head in the direction of the cry, he realized it was coming from Raph's room.

Looking around the room, Leo discovered no one seemed surprised that loud sobs racked the lair. In fact, now that he's looking, everyone looks saddened. Deciding he'd try to help the others later, he moved to Raph's room.

Opening the door, he peeked inside. The sight inside made Leo's heart sting. His older brother was lying in his bed, tears flowing down his face. He was squeezing a teddy bear Leo had gotten him for his birthday like his life depended on it. Leo walked farther in and sat beside his oldest brother.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" He asked gently, placing his hand on Raph's shoulder. Raph didn't seem to acknowledge him. The only sign Raph knew he was there, was that he shivered when Leo put his hand on Raph. "Raph, please. I don't know why everyone's ignoring me but I hate seeing you guys like this!"

No response. 

Leo was starting to get desperate. 

"Please just answer me! I'm sorry for whatever I did!" Leo could feel his own eyes fill with tears. But he wouldn't let them fall. Not when his brother was here obviously going through something.

When he got no response he stood up and headed toward the door. He turned to face his brother. "Raph if you need anything don't hesitate to get me. I'm here okay?" Of course, he got no response. But he gave a reassuring smile anyway and walked out.

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