Chapter 25

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Kylos POV

⚠️contains death and slight gore⚠️

The girl stared down at the two men, a look of pure shock on her face as her eyes followed the man who had once held her captive. Her face twisted in a way I had never seen before, her eyes filling with fire, bloodlust, anger. "What is this?" She questioned, her teeth clenched as she gripped the metal railing before her so hard her knuckles turned white.

"This, my pet, is your knights gift to you." I replied simply. The ropes were pulled from both men's arms before they were pushed roughly towards one another. If it's a fight the man likes so much, why doesn't he get a taste of the fun.

"A fight to the death" a voice announces overhead, earning another round of loud cheers from the eager onlookers of the first order. The girls head snapped in my direction, her wide eyes meeting my own, her hands fidgeting nervously at her waist.

"If this isn't what you want it can be stopped at any moment my dear. Simply say the word." I whispered to her encouragingly. She quickly shook her head, almost frantically. "No, do not stop it. I wish to see." I couldn't help but smirk to myself, more satisfied then I'd like to admit about the girls eagerness to witness the violence.

"Let the battle BEGIN." The men both just stood there for a minute, staring at one another, there body's ready for if the other were to initiate the tussle. They both didn't want to fight the other, the hesitance and disapproval clear on there faces, but they knew what had to be done. They knew what would be done to them if they refused, and that fate was much worse then death.

The red head grunted as he rushed the older man, tackling him to the ground with a force I wasn't aware he was capable of. He looked hungry for victory, willing to do whatever it took to win. His hands shot to the club owners neck, squeezing so tightly his knuckles went white as the other man's face turned bright red, struggling for breath.

Alexi hit his arms desperately against his opponents, the sounds of his struggled gasps bringing a smile to my face. Looking down at the girl I quickly noticed I wasn't the only one taking great pleasure in watching him suffer, a small grin tweaking at the corners of pets mouth as she leaned farther over the railing.

To my displeasure the man finally got away, shoving Hux off of him and landing a hard punch right to the center of his face in the process. A pained cry echoed around us, the sound shrill and short. Blood poured from between his fingers as he held tightly to his wounded nose. He knew he didn't have time to cry over his injurys, his fingers clawing like a wild animal at the face of the elder, no doubt aiming for the eyes.

It was grotesque but somehow I couldn't look away, exhilaration pulsing through me with every move they made. It was obvious the older man was bigger then Hux, stronger, more well trained. I almost took pity on the one I had once called general, but he put his hands on what wasn't his, he betrayed the first order, and now he had to face the consequences of disobeying the supreme leaders orders.

Alexi managed to get him to the ground, pounding violently into the red haired man's face, the blows making the most revolting noise. He grunted, the pain from his knuckles splitting clearing starting to get to him as he stopped for breath. Hux struggled beneath him like a fish out of water, flailing wildly, unable to get the weight of the other man off of him despite his intense effort.

The club owner laughed as he watched, he truly was cruel, taking such pride in watching a weaker man grapple for his life. "Weakling." He spat, standing and backing away, giving Hux a chance to stumble his way to his feet. "Fuck you" the pale clammy man barked, spitting blood from his mouth where it had gathered from his wounds.

There was an idle in the brawl, both men's chests heaving, the sounds of the struggled breathing so loud they could be heard throughout the arena. Hux was overcome with a look of despair, like he knew he couldn't win this fight, but fight to the end he would. Though weak he had a strong will, it was the one thing about him I had admired.

Alexi tackled him, there bodies hitting the ground with a thud, a puff of dust flowing around them, he took hold of both sides of Huxs head, smiling maliciously down at him, his eyes black as night, as if he was possessed. "Goodnight my friend" he spoke, lifting the generals head and bashing it mercilessly against the ground. Once, then again and again. He didn't stop until a pool of blood gathered, Hux now unrecognizable from the damaged that had been done. Heaving from the labor. Alexi stood, holding his bloodied hands above his head in triumph.

He thought he had won.

He was wrong.

The fight was far from over, and he would not be walking out of that pit to see another day, for now, it was pets turn.

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