Stellarlune 42 (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

"Sounds amazing," Sophie told him.

No it doesn't, Keefe thought with a smirk. He might not be able to read her emotions very well right now, but the look on her face and the strained sound of her voice told him she was clearly grossed out by the idea of sleeping by all those glowworms.

He was about to say as much when Sophie tripped over one of the tree roots and crashed into his back.

He smiled to himself. Foster, clumsy as ever. At least some things hadn't changed.

"Sorry," she mumbled. He expected her to scramble away from him, and blush like she always did when she tripped or when they got too close. But she continued to cling to him.

"You okay?" he asked when she didn't let go. "Did you hurt your ankle?" It was disappointing, he really wanted to show her that clearing. But...teasing her for needing an Elwin visit was always fun too.

"No. Just...uh...getting my bearings."

"Will this help?" Keefe asked, taking one of her hands and shifting their positions so they were now walking side by side.

They'd done this so many times through the years, he did it without even thinking. But right after he took her hand, he thought of how she'd brought up his note, and wondered if he shouldn't have done it. was hard to know for sure, everything was so off with his abilities right now, but it almost felt like he was getting a flicker of excitement from her. Nah, it was probably just his own stupid excitement. That thrill he always got when he held her hand.

But at least she wasn't pulling away.

"It's so weird," she said quietly. "I'm so used to having you feeling everything I'm feeling. It's strange not having you call me out on it all the time." She looked like an odd combination of happy and confused.

"Tell me about it," he grumbled. Not being able to feel what she was feeling was driving him crazy.

"Sorry--I didn't mean--"

"It's okay, Foster. I know what you meant. And just so you know, I can still pick up on certain things--especially from you. Pretty sure your emotions will always be stronger than everyone else's."

"Really?" She sounded almost hopeful. He nodded in response, and she smiled at him.

Well, at least she was happy about that. Even if he wasn't. He wanted to know exactly what she was feeling. He felt blind without it. It felt like a combination of nervousness and happiness coming off of her, but he couldn't be certain. It could be his nerves and his happiness at being near her that he was feeling.

"I just...wish I could get back to how it used to be," Keefe said quietly. "It's hard not getting the whole picture. Makes me not want to trust anything I'm feeling--if that makes sense."

Okay, that right there. Was that...hope? He hadn't been feeling particularly hopeful, but he could've sworn he felt that emotion after he spoke.

Not getting the whole picture wasn't just hard, it was infuriating. He hadn't realized just how much he'd come to depend on his empathy. Oh well--at least they had made it to the clearing.

"Here we go," Keefe said, pulling back a curtain of vines and guiding her into the clearing.

"Oh wow," Sophie breathed. She stopped in her tracks, looking around, taking it all in. He knew she'd like it here. And while she took in the view, he just continued staring at her--glad for her distraction so he could watch her without being caught.

"Did you know this place existed?" Keefe asked.

"Flori mentioned it--but I haven't had a chance to go looking for it. She was trying to convince Sandor to bring Grizel here for a date, since it's so romantic."

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