New introductions

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I rushed out of the rink, without a hint of guilt.

I had my purple dyed hair still in a pony and my mask covering my face. My bag was slung over my shoulder and I was jogging to my motorcycle when a hand gripped my shoulder.

I quickly turned and punched the stranger in the jaw and saw blood splatter.

He loudly cursed and covered his face, attempting to stop the blood.

I got into a fighting stance- perhaps I've been in that position one too many times today but what's one more fight?

I quickly kneed him in the crotch and when he doubled over, I kicked him down.

While he was scrambling on the ground I grabbed his shirt and lifted him up.

I finally had a good look at his face. They guy was skinny and sickly pale. He had slightly rosy cheeks. His eyes were a bright blue which did not go well with his jet black hair. Blood was coming out of his mouth, his eyes lazily blinking.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I questioned.

He smirked showing some K9s. Then he reached up and dug his teeth into my arm.

What the hell?!

"AH!" I yelled. It felt like fire was burning off my arm.

I punched him in the face. Then again. And again. Until my fist was numb. He didn't freaken' let go. Just dug his teeth in deeper, cutting through soft tissue. His face was bloody from my punches and he looked like he was about to go unconscious. But my blood seemed to.. fuel him?

I let out a scream. It hurt like nothing before. I was panting. I couldn't punch anymore. The energy was struck out of me.

A figure jumped out and attacked him- thank God! I ripped my arm away, letting out a whimper when his teeth dragged over more skin.

I took my cue to run. I sprinted to my motorcycle, didn't bother putting on my helmet. Just drove.

My arm still hurt like hell as I raced in between cars where traffic was starting. I could hear the slight yells of protest.

But I didn't care.

I got home in less than five minutes where usually it takes fifteen with all the traffic.

I would probably get a speeding ticket soon but I would deal with that later. Better that then dying.

I live in a small condo. It's plain and modern. The only colors are white, black and gray with bits of red and gold here and there. That's how I liked it, that's how I kept it.

Slamming the door behind be, I slid down it and put my head in my hands.

What the hell was that- that thing?

I was just minding my own business when it attacked me basically... Okay maybe it didn't technically attack me, I kinda attacked it. But-but still! What kind of psychopath bites people. Better yet, what type of psychopath has K9s?

Speaking of the bite, the wound was seriously hurting my arm. I grimaced at it. No duh

I got up, my arm protesting but got up either way and headed to my small bathroom.

I cleaned the wound and bandaged it like I've done to millions of others.

The teeth had dug in deep- that's for sure.

But the question was, how can a man has a wolf bite?


I put a garbage bag over the bandage as I showered thoroughly to get all the purple out of my brunette hair.

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