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We were all laughing when and talking shit when Von grabbed my hand as we started talking to the curb

I glanced to my left, and a car pulled up real fast, and all I heard were




Most of the people outside ducked down, others ran, and the ones in the cars pulled off. No one saw who shot at them besides Zay

Zay noticed the car, and she saw the person's face

But everything happened so fast

She got out of her thoughts and looked around while she was on the ground

She looked up and saw Von checking his body to see if he was hit

T. Roy was holding his chest while blood was pooring through his white T Shirt.



Draya and Dreezy ran to me to check on me. While I was on the ground, I was just confused and was trying to grasp what was going on.

My adrenaline was so high that I couldn't think straight

It would have been worse if it wasn't for T.Roy jumping in front of me

Everyone was panicking, running around. Some people tried to help me with T.Roy.

He he reached his hands out to me and squeezed it. I did the same because this didn't feel right.

"Von, make sure you take care of Zay if I don't pull through. Love her like she loves you." T.Roy said

"Come on, bra, don't say that you are going to pull through." Von said lowly with tears in his eyes

"I love you no matter what, and you are going to make it. I need for you to be here with me. You're all I have. " Zay clung on to T.Roy hand

As we heard, the ambulance started to come down the street

T.Roy eyes started to slowly blink, struggling trying to keep them open his breathing started to get shallow, and his hands started to shake

"T.ROY NOOO DON'T DO THIS TO ME NOW I NEED YOU." I realized my chest was going in and out, then his chest going in and out slower as I was staring at him

Then I realized T.Roy wasn't breathering as Von started to hold his other hand

He was going in and out of consciousness as Von let go of his hand and started to slap his face so he could stay concious then all of a sudden, he stopped



I realized T.Roy wasn't breathering as Zay was holding his hand. I couldn't help but slap his face, but he ended up going out of it as the police and anbulence came, putting him on a gurney

They started to put him in the ambulance. Zay and I stood up and wanted to ride, but with his heart stop beating, they needed the room to try to bring him back

All I know was that they pulled off, and Zay was just standing there in shock.

I took her hand and pulled her to me. Taking her out of the trance that she was in.

We didn't say anything to each other. We were too stunned to speak.

"Zay, we have to go." I said, looking down at her

I grabbed her hand and guided her to my car

I unlocked and opened the door, sat her in the front seat, and strapped on her seat belt, then shut her door

I ran over to the other side, jumped in, started the engine, and sped off to the hospital

When we arrived, Dreezy, Draya, Kayla, and wre waiting in the waiting area

Everyone else was sliding, so I didn't expect them to be here right now

"Omg Zay... Zaaaay." Dreezy said while shaking her

"Yea, I'm fine. I'm okay." Zay said in the same dull tone

"Hunny, you're not fine, and you have his blood all over you. Come on, let's go to the bathroom and clean up." Draya said as she wrapped her arm around her

She looked down at herself and started breaking down

"I... I... Can't believe this. I feel so... alone right now, this can't be real." She said while looking past me

"That's not true baby you got me." I said to her while I approached her

I placed my hand on her cheek. I felt her body calm down from the touch

I lift her head and kiss her lips

"Get cleaned up, baby. I got you if the doctor come okay."

She shook her head and headed to the bathroom with Draya, and Dreezy

I turned around and sat down on one of the waiting room chairs

A few minutes of her in the bathroom

I noticed a doctor walking into the waiting room.

I stood up and approached him

"Hey, Doc, I well we are all here for James Johnson. How's he doing?" I asked nervously

I think I know the answer, but I didn't want him to say it

My palms are starting to get clamy, I wiped my hands on my pants

I looked over to my left to see if Zay and them were coming, and to my luck, they were

Zay stood next to me while Draya and Dreezy stood behind her

Zay had a blank look on her face

"Are you also here for Mr. James?"
The doctor asked her

She nodded her head

"Yes, I'm his cousin Zayonna." She said as her voice cracked

"Well, I'm Doctor Epps. Nice to meet you."

It was a nice silent pause as he looked at us

In those few seconds of us waiting for the doctor's response, I couldn't help but stare

Nigga Come The Fuck On Goofy

"Okay so the results of James at the moment he's stable, he did lose a lot of blood, and we managed to stop the bleeding, but he's in a coma."

Hey my loves, I know that I'm so late. I had writers block, and this time, it stressed me out...

I was fighting depression, the death of my grandmother, and a few other things





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