Alternate Ending: Nightfall 74

Start from the beginning

Sophie shook her head.

"You don't believe me," Keefe whispered, understanding. "Foster, when will you ever give yourself enough credit? There's a reason I used the phrase 'throwing my hat in the ring.' I know Dex has already been worked out, but we aren't the only ones."


Keefe looked like he was battling himself. He opened his mouth to speak once or twice only to close it again. Finally, he seemed to reach a decision.

"I shouldn't tell you this, it's not really any of my business, but...I know how you feel about him. So you should know--Fitz feels the same way about you. He's been waiting to say anything, but I'm sure he will eventually. I...I've been trying to just stand aside and let whatever happens, happen, but...I don't know." He ran his fingers through his hair, looking conflicted. "I just...I knew you had feelings for me that you weren't acknowledging, and I figured I needed to let you figure things out on your own without me adding pressure. But something about the way you have been acting today made me be impulsive. Made me think maybe I should make all your options clear."

Sophie could hardly believe what she was hearing. A thrill ran through her when Keefe told her Fitz liked her--and then a flash of guilt and confusion when she realized Keefe would have felt that too. She stumbled to her bed and sat down, putting her head in her hands.

It was quiet and still for several seconds. Sophie knew she should say something, but wasn't sure what.

She wasn't even sure, anymore, what she wanted. She could see, quite clearly now, the feelings for Keefe she'd been ignoring. She didn't understand why though, not when her feelings for Fitz had felt impossible to ignore.

But maybe that was why. Maybe one crush was enough to be getting on with so she wouldn't let herself admit there was anyone else.

She felt rather than saw as Keefe sat down next to her and softly put an arm across her shoulders.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I can feel how confused you are, and it's why I'd resolved not to say or do anything. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"Don't say that," Sophie said sharply, finally pulling her head out of her hands to look at him. "You had every right to tell me how you felt. And the kiss was..." Sophie's voice trailed off, but she was sure her emotions were doing enough talking for her.

Keefe smiled. "Yeah?"

"I have kind of been worrying that either I'm just a bad kisser, or that kissing just isn't that great," she said, barely above a whisper. "After the epic fail of a kiss with Dex. But kissing you just now"

Keefe shook his head. "You're definitely not a bad kisser," he told her. "You were just right about there being no potential for anything other than friendship between the two of you." He took a shaky breath and removed his arm from her shoulders--scooting away from her slightly as he did so. "And I'll behave myself from now on. I know you have a lot to think about now. Just...don't tell Fitz I told you how he feels. You can just finally confess your feelings during one of your Cognate exercises or something, now that you know he won't reject you. can tell him if your feelings are changing, too. Either way--I'm here for you."

Sophie wasn't meeting his eyes. The thought of telling Fitz how she felt was exciting, now, instead of scary--but it was also tinged with uncertainty. Was it really what she wanted? Yes...but also no.

"Hey," Keefe said softly. He waited for her to look at him. "I mean it. I'm always here for you. No matter what." He reached out and put his hand over hers. The intensity of his stare made her feel fluttery again. "Even if you choose Fitz, I swear, I'll find a way to be happy for you both, and I'll always be your friend."

"And if I choose you?" Sophie asked.

Keefe's smile was both hopeful and sad. "Then I'm sure Fitz would do the same. But I can feel how confused you are right now. I should go. I'll be back when it's time to leave for Nightfall." He reached into his pocket for his crystal.

Sophie was conflicted, but felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of Keefe leaving after the moment they'd just shared. Keefe must have picked up on it, because he reached out for Sophie's hand and gently pulled her up off her bed. "Maybe...maybe just one more kiss, in case it's the last one I get?" His voice cracked as he finished the sentence.

Sophie couldn't find her voice, but she nodded and stepped closer to him nervously.

Keefe placed his hands tentatively on her waist, pulling her in even closer. "Sophie," he whispered, right before their lips met. It was short but sweet, and long before Sophie was ready, Keefe pulled away again. And without a word, he offered her a small smile, held his crystal up to the light and disappeared.

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