Gathering Twilight's Intelligence

Start from the beginning

Nor did she notice a faint stream of magic floating in through the window. It circled across her desk, leaving a glowing comet-like trail, before burying itself into her computer.

Having gathered up all the pencils in the cup again, Twilight put it back on the desk before sitting back in her chair to focus on her project. That's when she noticed the screen had changed, saying:

I guess I clicked the calculus schoolwork when I hit the table, Twilight thought. Satisfied, she moved the mouse to the START button, ready to get started with the test run.

However, when she clicked START, she suddenly felt a strange tingling on her forehead. At first, she assumes it to be an oncoming headache or migraine. But then she feels the tingling expanding to the top of her head as well. It then moves downward towards her ears, then past them towards her chin, until her entire head is engulfed by the tingling.

Twilight is bewildered by the mysterious feeling, as she tries to figure out a scientific explanation for what was happening. But before she could, the tingling started penetrating past her skin and making its way inside of her head. Twilight is seriously frightened by the tingling at this point, and considers calling 911.

But that doom spiral is interrupted when the tingling hits her brain. Instantly, she feels a calmness washing over her mind, comforting her. It's only now that she notices how good the tingling actually feels, the way it massaged her worries away and replaced them with blissful peace. She found herself enjoying the experience more than she expected to. In fact, she wanted it to last as long as possible.

As she sat there, soaking in the mental relaxation, she noticed something had changed about her study program. The screen was now displaying a loading screen bar, with the words GATHERING INTELLIGENCE located above it. That was strange, Twilight wondered. I don't remember creating that.

Just then, she felt a small tug on her brain, like the pulling of a thread. She found herself thinking about the Pythagorean Theorem, the memory of it surfacing to the forefront of her mind. Then she felt that memory yanked away, pulled out of her mind completely, and she forgot about it entirely, remembering only a vague sense that she had forgotten something important.

Then she felt another tug on her brain, and she was suddenly thinking about surface area, before that piece of info was pulled out of her head, and forgotten about.

This kept happening with more and more pieces of knowledge, leaving her with gaps in her brain, but also with no idea on what used to fill them. This was incredibly confusing for Twilight. She always prided herself on her intelligence, and somehow, it was being ripped away from her.

She wanted to stop it, to get those memories back, even if she couldn't even remember what they were. Yet the tingling in her brain made it hard to focus on what was happening, let alone figure out a way to stop it.

As she struggled against the assault on her mind, Twilight noticed her study program had changed again. Now the loading screen bar was partially full. Not only that, but when another memory was pulled out of her head, the bar filled up a little more.

After seeing that, plus the GATHERING INTELLIGENCE phrase right above it, Twilight had an epiphany: What if the study program was literally gathering her intelligence, as in stealing it from her? It shouldn't be possible, but it was the only explanation she could think of.

However, even that revelation wasn't enough to get her out of her entrapment. The tingling was still affecting her, still coating her with a calmness that she just couldn't help but enjoy. She knew what was happening to her was wrong, and she knew she had to fight it. But the tingling just made it too hard for her to think.

At this point, the loading screen bar was about 90% full. Any brain capacity she had left was insignificant compared to the overwhelming sensation of the tingling. It was just too powerful, too pleasant for her to resist.

At this point, Twilight couldn't remember why she was ever worried about it in the first place. Why was there to be worried about? She hadn't felt this relaxed before in her life. She shouldn't be fighting it. She should be accepting it. She should give into it.
So, with the last of her will, Twilight surrendered herself to the tingling.

The last of her knowledge was yanked away all at once, and the loading screen bar instantly filled up to 100%. The screen changed as it displayed a new message:


However, Twilight didn't notice. She wasn't able to notice anything, wasn't able to think anything. She was completely mindless, her brain nothing more than an empty shell. She could do nothing but drool and stare blankly at the screen in front of her.

The screen changed again to display another message:


Twilight then hears messages playing from her computer.




With her mind completely empty, Twilight wasn't consciously aware of the messages. Her mind just accepted them as fact. She was a bimbo. She wouldn't resist. She would just obey.




As she continued absorbing the messages, dusts of magic floated all across her body, causing it to change. In her seat, she felt her ass inflate to the size of beach balls. Her B-cup breasts expanded to sizable E-cups, straining the fabric of her shirt. Her lips blew up to 3-4 times the size, coated with a heavy layer of lipstick. Her eyelashes multiplied and extended far beyond what any makeup kit could accomplish.




Twilight then felt thoughts begin to enter her mind. Thoughts of showing off her body, making out with strangers, sucking cock, and more. They weren't her thoughts, but she loved thinking them all the same. She loved showing off her body, making out with strangers, and sucking cocks. She NEEDED to do all those things and more.

Eventually, the messages stopped, and the screen changed to display a new message:


With that, Twilight slowly awoke from her mindless sleep, as if she just finished a long nap. Once she was fully awake, she looked down at her shirt, straining to contain her breasts properly. She immediately grabbed the middle of it, and tore it open, freeing her breasts from their prison.

"Oh, that feels so much better," Twilight exclaimed to herself. "I shouldn't be hiding such big, bouncy boobs like these."

She fondled them in her hands, shamelessly moaning at the pleasure. She wondered what it would be like to motorboat someone with them, getting wet at just the thought of it. But before that, she would have to buy some new clothes to properly accommodate her new... assets.

She grabbed her purse from her closet and skipped outside towards the mall, not bothering to replace her ripped shirt, as her boobs bounced freely in the air. She didn't know what shenanigans she would get into with them, but she knew one thing for sure:

She was a dumb bimbo. That was all she was. That was all she ever would be.

And she loved it.

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