A vacation...?

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Mammon was busy filling out the last report for the day, as she did for the last few thousand years.

Once it was done, she let out a huge breath of relief, and slumped in her chair.

Looking at the paper one last time, she felt like she was going to collapse. But she can't as she has another busy day of work tomorrow.

Then the door to her office opened to reveal....

"Hello, Mammon!" Prince Diavlolo said.

"Prince Diavolo. What brings you here?" Mammon asked.

"Ah, you don't need to call me that. Anyway, I've heard that all you've been doing was work and study ever since you and your family fell here, right?"

"Yes." Mammon said, not sure where this is going.

"Well, since school is ending for summer, I'd figure to give you a vacation!" Diavolo smiled.


"A vacation?" Mammon said in a wary tone.

"Yes, I'd say you deserve it after all your hard work."

"What about my job?" Mammon asked.

"Don't worry, I'll have another demon of Greed fill your place temporarily. And he's done a good job before, so it'll be alright."

Mammon sighed and agreed, because if she didn't, he'll be on her case.

Leaving her office, Mammon arrived home late, probably as everyone else was in bed, except for Lucifer.

'Well, I might as well have some tea or something.' Mammon thought heading to the kitchen.

Sure enough, she saw Beel making a huge snack.

"Raiding the pantry again? I thought we stocked it two days ago." Mammon said surprising Beel.

"M-mammon? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Diavolo came to me and said I need a vacation for the summer. So, I'm off work till school starts up again. But, I don't even know what to do till then...." Mammon said making herself tea.

"You can eat."

"No, that's your area."

Beel paused.

He had to talk with the others.

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