Chapter 1

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Camila's POV:

Being the new kid sucks. I hate the first day of school, why did my dad have to accept the stupid job in this stupid city? I'm not good at making friends, I'm always known as the weird poor girl who is always alone. My best friends are food. Life is useless. People always tell me that we 'eat to live' not 'live to eat', I just don't agree with them. I looked at the clock and it was 8:45. Shit! My first day of school and I'm late. I have to walk everyday to school and from school because my dad can't afford a car, being poor sucks! Sucks really bad! I ran quickly to school and it was so quiet, I ran to the office and asked for my schedule and went straight to class. When I got to my first class which was english, the teacher stared at me weirdly and said "Ah, you must be new. First day and you're already late, that's not a good sign." The whole class giggled. I apologized and she told me to introduce myself to the whole class. As the whole class went quiet trying to listen to me, I suddenly had blackout. When I woke up I found myself on a bed at the nurses office then suddenly I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything this morning and I never skipped breakfast. When the nurse realised that I was awake she asked me if I wanted to continue my first class and I said 'yes'. Eventhough I know everyone was going to laugh at me and make fun of me but I didn't care, I was used to everyone laughing at me. As I entered the room the teacher said "Welcome back, now are you ready to introduce yourself or are you gonna keep your name as a secret?" I open my mouth and said "My name is Camila Cabello, I'm 15 and I love to eat." Then everyone laugh including the teacher, then I heard people saying stuff like "She's pretty" "She's funny and cute" "Look at that ass. Woah!" I'm starting to love this school, then the teacher told me to take the one and only empty seat which was at the front row next to this guy with pretty eyes. "I'm Drew, I'm 19, likes girls and also new. You're funny and pretty. You're way cuter than tweedy. I really like your skirt, and FYI I'm not trying to flirt." He introduced himself to me and I smiled, all I said was "Hey". He was cute but he had no game, his poem is sweet but it sucked at the same time. He said he likes my skirt, I wasn't even wearing one, I was wearing a white jeans. But it still made me blush cause he called me pretty and plus he was cute.

Lauren's POV:

The new kid had no game. I hated that people called her 'beautiful', she's so not! She's been her for a day and she's already popular. I hate her! She's stealing the spotlight away from me, I'm rank #1 most beautiful girl in this school and if she steals that away from me then I'm soo gonna kill her. I was going to make her miserable and regret joining this school but how on earth am I supposed to do that? During lunch I saw her sitting with Drew, I got even more angry, I've been crushing on him every since he joined this school. I told my friends that I really hated this girl. I always hang out with Dinah, Normani and Ally.

It was finally thursday I wanted to get Camila out of my head, I keep telling myself that I'm way prettier than her plus she's fat but I can't accept the truth that she's not. As I got to school, I walked at the hallway and suddenly my phone buzzed, I took a look to see who it was from, it was my mom, as I was reading what she wrote I felt that someone bumped into me, it was the new kid. I yelled "HEY! Are you blind? Watch where you're going!" she started to apologized "I'm really really sorry, I'm really late for something and I didn't see you coming and I'm-" I interruped her "SHUT UP! I don't care, I don't give a F, just watch where you're going next time" I walked away without looking at her. I was soo rude, I've never been that rude to anyone before, but I didn't care. I just hate her! It was english period and the teacher had a bowl filled with our names in it, she told half of the class to pick a card including me and in that card was written a name, she said "So whoever had a card, read the name on your card outloud and he or she will be your partner for this assignment I'm going to asign you." I was really hoping that I would get Drew, as I unfold the card to read it I noticed that it said 'Camila Cabello'. WHY? Why out of all the people, why her? As I said her name outloud I could tell she wasn't happy, she looked kinda scared, she better be scared cause I don't like her! Luckily, the assignment starts tomorrow not today cause I don't wanna sit next to her today. It was finally lunch, I'm starving, when I went to the table where I usually sit, Dinah and Normani had this huge smile on their face and started giggling while they stared at me. Then when I sat down they were still staring "WHAT? Is there something on my face? Am I too pretty?" "Guess who got Camila Cabello as her partner?" Normani said to Dinah. "Don't talk about it, I'm not okay with that, are we allowed to switch partners? I just-" Dinah interruped me "Wanna play a game?" she asked. "Not now, I wanna eat" "A challenge game." I was starting to get curious so I told them I was in. Then Dinah said " I challenge you to flirt with Camila Cabello and date her for atleast 2 weeks minimum and dumped her infront of all of us and tell her that it was all a game and that you would never fall for someone like her" "That sounds mean." was all I said. But then I had a second thought, I hated this girl why not play with her feeling? I want her out of this school."Hey Lauren! Hey Crazy Little Mama! Earth to Lauren! Is that a no?" Normani asked me. "No, I'm in, when do I start?" I asked. "Tomorrow or as soon as possible." Dinah replied. I just smiled at them.

It all started as a game. [Camren]Where stories live. Discover now