i scoff. "i don't have to be."

"why not?"

"because i can't be nervous."


i take in a deep breath in annoyance and glance at juyeon. "why do you even care? we don't even know a thing about each other and you should be panicking right now. why aren't you? what's wrong with you?" my anxiety seems to have gotten the best of me. i can't deal with anything right now, it seems to be.

juyeon stares at me for a long moment, and i begin to feel self-conscious for no reason. "i don't...really know," juyeon finally says, he looks to be taken aback from his own feelings too. "right now.. i don't know if what i'm doing i'll regret in the future. but, i know that i don't care about anything and what i could get myself into at the moment. i'll worry when i have to, just not now it seems. that's all i could answer to all your questions."

i've listened to everything he's said but all that could come out my mouth was: "that's all you could do? just go with the flow and let it take you wherever? what if you make a mistake—!"

"i won't," juyeon interrupts, his voice so serious but yet so soft.

i no longer can hear any of the voices behind us anymore. i could only see and care about juyeon's eyes that were visible with a sharp optimistic glimmer that showed no doubt of what he'd just said. it kinda made me feel so small and mistaken. see, this is exactly why i hate him. he's so different than me. he's...so far away from me.

suddenly, his hand felt so warm than i ever felt it before. suddenly, i realized how strongly our hands held onto each other and how oddly comfortably and safe it felt. his hand felt so much bigger now that i've finally taken noticed of it. it was rough but comforting all the same. it sorta made me wonder how i would feel if he'd embrace me like he's holding my hand right now. for some odd reason, it felt like i've grown weak and fragile. as if juyeon had finally managed to break that "tough" appearance and has now managed to make me feel vulnerable.

but, the moment doesn't last long as our hands are struck by some sort of electricity and my soul feels like it's been torn away from me for a moment before it returns back less than a second. it felt like a long roller coaster ride that lasted for so long but had only been a second of it.

i glance at juyeon in confusion, and he seems to be have been confused just as i was.

this...this was...

this was...


i glance at the door and realize only then how everyone has actually gone quiet and for a moment it feels like they're not there until my mother finally opens the door with a wide smile. "our newly soulmate-ed couple!" she embraces juyeon first and i am left speechless in the sideline.

is he her son or am i?

my father pats my back and nods stiffly at me with a awkward smile. "good job."

i grunt, unsure of what to say or what to think.

mother comes up to me and is about to hug me but i swiftly move away and bump into juyeon's shoulder. no one leaves me any time to process what has just happen as they all come out to me and say their congratulations. once they've all finished, i walk up to my mother who looks like a witch at the moment.

"what have you done?" i ask, in disbelief.

my mother's eyebrows furrowed and i notice how right now, she doesn't at all look like my mother. "what do you mean?"

right, what does she mean? juyeon is supposed to be my boyfriend but they don't know it's all fake and who knows what'll happen if they found out if we aren't a couple. i can't be mad at her right now because i should be happy, since they accepted juyeon to be my soulmate. shit.

i take in a deep breath and try to calm myself because i can't just tell her that i'm not really together with juyeon. "so. you guys accepted juyeon as my soulmate?"

"yes..! aren't you excited?!"

"yes," i force myself to say.

"oh good! we have dinner already served so we should go ahead and eat! everyone's hungry!" she walks away and i am left alone with juyeon in the hallway.

juyeon slowly looks at his hand and walks closer to me. "what is it?" i ask.

"my hand...feels heavier."

it was only then that i realize how my pinkie felt like it was wrapped around something. i almost forget about the string. "right..it's 'cuz they've tied our strings together. so, now our pinkies are tied in a string that connects with each other."


"yeah. are you hungry?"


"let's go eat then."

....this...is all my fault.

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