chapter 1- lone star rising

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[I recommend reading the description first - the author]
"Hey! Wake up! The bar's closing!" The bartender said.

"Alright, alright! I'll get going." Said another man.

The man slowly got up, paid for his drinks, and left.

He walked to the local hotel, and went inside.

"Hey, Austin." Said Derrick, the man running the hotel.

Austin nodded in acknowledgement.

When he got to his room, he immediately got on his bed. A few minutes later, and he was asleep. In the morning, he would leave the town. He was on his way to a city called Houston, to hopefully sell of some stuff he 'borrowed' from some rich fella.

In the morning, he got up, payed for his room, and left. He decided to stop by the local gun shop to get some repair kits for his weapons. Once he repaired them, he left the town. On the way out, he saw a pre-war sign that read 'city of jersey village'. He remembered reading in a tourism magazine about how it was once a cattle ranch that was turned into a city when the cows stopped being profitable. Didn't matter now. He was already gone. After a while, he decided to hitch a ride with a passing caravan that was also heading to Houston. On the way, he got a chance to test out his newly repaired weapons on some mutant armadillos. The damn things could kill 5 people in 2 minutes. That's what happened to some members of his old gang, the longhorns. This was going to be a long ride to houston.

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